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Recent content by granpa

  1. granpa

    Aztec mythology

    Added Inca, Ho-Chunk, Chinese, and even a little Hindu mythology. Well worth taking a look. http://religion.wikia.com/wiki/At-a-glance/Aztec,_Maya,_Inca,_Ho-Chunk,_and_Chinese_mythology
  2. granpa

    Aztec mythology

    I finished up the Aztec chart a few days ago. There are a few surprises. First there were the "old" gods. These were followed by the Lords of the underworld. Then came the 5 suns. http://religion.wikia.com/wiki/At-a-glance/Aztec_mythology
  3. granpa

    son with 6 heads was Yggdrasil

  4. granpa

    son with 6 heads was Yggdrasil

    Search for Ananke
  5. granpa

    son with 6 heads was Yggdrasil

  6. granpa

    son with 6 heads was Yggdrasil

  7. granpa

    son with 6 heads was Yggdrasil

  8. granpa

    son with 6 heads was Yggdrasil

    Said Ganglere: What took place before the races came into existence, and men increased and multiplied? Replied Har...when the heated blasts from Muspelheim met the rime, so that it melted into drops, then, by the might of him who sent the heat, the drops quickened into life and took the likeness...
  9. granpa

    Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Stone

    Gold, silver, copper, bronze, iron, Diamond
  10. granpa

    Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Stone

    Thats what I'm talking about There are 2 bronze ages: bronze and heroic (copper and bronze) The heroic age is considered part of the Bronze Age period
  11. granpa

    Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Stone

    Daniel 2:31-35 (NIV) 31 “Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue—an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. 32 The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron...
  12. granpa

    Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Stone

    Ages of man: Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Stone
  13. granpa


    Bý-lei-str = Huitzilopochtli http://vikingsofbjornstad.gbtllc.com/Old_Norse_Dictionary_N2E.shtm suðr = southwards bý = bee
  14. granpa


    Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu = Maya Hero twins
  15. granpa


    http://religion.wikia.com/wiki/At-a-glance/Comparative_mythology This has been my hobby for many years. It all came together in the last few weeks Gabriel = Bergelmir = Buri = Brahma = Chronos Raguel = Aurgelmir Satariel = Shatarupa Hyperion = Ymir Kenan = Ananke Orphic egg = egg of Raphael...