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  1. Kathryn

    The last post is the WINNER!

    Winning because I am eating pistachios!
  2. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    Well, I live by myself so I am really trying to avoid having surgery.
  3. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    I'm not selling myself short - I honestly don't care enough to scroll back through the thread. Or to try to keep things straight for that matter.
  4. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    Please tell me it can be treated easily. I mean, it really hurts but x rays only showed very mild arthritis, but it is killing me, KILLING me. I think a torn meniscus, which my doctor thinks I have, does not really show up well if at all in an X ray.
  5. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    I don't know or care. Sorry.
  6. Kathryn

    Do religious funeral rites imply any influence over the disposition of the soul?

    Not in my opinion. I don't care what happens to my body afterwards but I hope to be cremated because the idea of a-moldering in the grave is off putting to me.
  7. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    Look, I am in my sixties. I recently moved out of state. My knee hurts and I probably have a torn meniscus. It's all I can do to keep my own head above water.
  8. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    What may be a wrong direction to you may be a right direction for someone else. I am just trying to keep myself straight. It's a full time job.
  9. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    Oh well, I don't have the time or inclination to try to prove you're right or wrong about whatever. But I do agree, we need more than two parties.
  10. Kathryn

    Do God really care about which religion people follow?

    Personally, I've said this before but I believe we are all in for some surprises on that final day. I'm OK with that, God knows I am a 21st century white woman living in the US. ,
  11. Kathryn

    Thanks for liking my post - Oh, wait, it's me. I like my own posts. LOL

    Thanks for liking my post - Oh, wait, it's me. I like my own posts. LOL
  12. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    Well, I guess I throw all your experiences out the window, who knows? I am more conservative than liberal but I really, really, really despise Trump and I am mortified by his followers.
  13. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    \\\What am I supposed to do about it?
  14. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    I get what you're saying, I really do. I just want some balance in general. I want EVERYONE to stop politicizing everything. But like Rahn Emanuel said, "You never want to let a serious crisis go to waste."
  15. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    Alright. I despise Trump for the record. I don't care what happens to him one way or the other.
  16. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    Don't get me started on things that shouldn't be legal but are.
  17. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    OK. I wish I cared more but to be honest, I feel like there is nothing I can do to alter the chain of events. So when there's nothing I can do, I don't waste time fretting about things.
  18. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    I don't know about left wing threats over the past week, but I do know of left wing threats and actions.
  19. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    The Gateway Pundit has declared bankruptcy by the way.
  20. Kathryn

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    Sure I will. I just want some balance somewhere, somehow.