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The Hammer

Premium Member
A numerological line up like this hasn't happened in a long time; with the closest past event I can remember is the release of Skyrim 11/11/2011; and the next closest won't happen until 3/03/2033. But being that we are in the third millennium, we get an additional 2 on this day.

The number Two is related to Coexistence, 2 singular states (1's) joined as a pair, for the benefit of both. Balance.

While not as powerful as a prime number, the 6 fold application of the 2 today, will create ample opportunities for growth and change through diplomacy, and teamwork. Reach out to your loved ones today, you never know what will unfold.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
A numerological line up like this hasn't happened in a long time; with the closest past event I can remember is the release of Skyrim 11/11/2011; and the next closest won't happen until 3/03/2033. But being that we are in the third millennium, we get an additional 2 on this day.

The number Two is related to Coexistence, 2 singular states (1's) joined as a pair, for the benefit of both. Balance.

While not as powerful as a prime number, the 6 fold application of the 2 today, will create ample opportunities for growth and change through diplomacy, and teamwork. Reach out to your loved ones today, you never know what will unfold.
Ah I was a little late reading this. This was posted at 11:17 pm here. I went to bed early last night.