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Behind the scenes peaks?


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
So, does anyone else here like watching the behind the scenes, featurette documentaries and any other “extras” from DVDs/Blu Rays or I guess now a days on streaming services or maybe online?
I love nerding out with those.
The “tutorials” showing how the make up is done. The mini documentaries about certain classic actors or make up or stunts or writing process or whatever.

I like learning about the history of cinema, if you like. Listening to creators speak of their works or interpretations of long running characters they contributed to.

Like for instance I have the Blu Ray collection of the 100th anniversary of Universal Horror Classic films. Whilst not as “full of content” as I would have liked (especially considering it was meant to be an anniversary celebration) it was cool learning about actors like Lon Chaney Jr, Boris Karloff etc, the ins and outs of how the various classic films were made and figures like Jack Pierce who pretty much created the job position of make up artist in film.

So come on guys. Geek out with me.
Do you like this sort of stuff?
Maybe not even just in film. TV shows or books even. Whatever. I’m willing to be lenient with my definition of “behind the scenes.”
What would you like to see?
What do you think should be included in DVDs/Blu Rays to make it worthwhile to buy them? Added mini films? Interviews?

Comment below


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Behind The Scenes Peeks! Not "peaks".
I sometimes watch them.
It was fascinating to find out what Bernard Herrmann was like.

That was bothering me.
I feel better now.