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The Evidence for God is Within You!

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Can you not examine the self inside the physical image of the body? Can you not examine the person inside other people's physical images? Do you merely see the outside? Do you befriend images, rather then befriending people for who they are? The person inside the physical image is God! The one life behind all life is God! Do you examine the universe, the stars and planets, the plant life and animals? God is all these things too. Look inside yourself properly, and your evidence is there.


feral satyr
its impossible for me to prove god to you when only you can do that for yourself.

the means to do this are to study this information and ask pointed questions.


1.Psychology is the study of the human mind. Most specifically the psyche, most generally All of human behavior.
2. The human Brain is composed of between 40 and 70 different organs, depending upon
how you define differences. These are called brodmanns brain areas. Each brain area
is responsible for specific types of brain processes and mental functions.
3. The human mind has four main operational conditions, they are beta brainwave states, alpha brainwave states, delta brainwave states, and theta brainwave states. Each of these might be further subdivided into waking or sleeping states of consciousness.
4. Beta brainwave states are those in which the dominant area of the brain is the frontal lobes. Alpha brainwave states are those in which the dominant area of the brain is the Mammalian brain or Occipital lobes, and Delta brainwaves states are those where the brain is dominated by the Reptilian Brain or brain stem. Theta brain wave states are
a second waking condition in which the body is healed, or, in which the normal flow of
dominance from top of brain to bottom of brain is reversed, and the bottom of the brain
loads information into the top, which is then experienced as dreams.
5. We have instincts which compel us to seek out gratification of our needs. All behavior is motivated by a conscious or unconscious belief that said behavior will get some need met.
6. Psychology involves first an instinct, which compels a thought process, and then a planning or strategizing session in which the individual uses their maps of reality and belief systems as well as learned knowledge and social conditioning to arrive at an end
product of doing something to get what you want. Schema are maps of reality which we
use as tools to meet our needs .Social Conditioning and personal experience and learning
play vital roles in helping the mind to think up tactics to meet needs.
7. Criminal behavior is behavior which that person believes will get their needs met. Punishment was well demonstrated to have little or no effect on learning curve. What is required for a person to change their behavior is a functional tactic that does work to get their needs met.
8. Groupthink is a social phenomenon of psychology where a group uses false
consensus process to end up behaving stupidly as a group. Groupthink occurs when
people cave into social pressures, where propaganda replaces knowledge or facts, and where group identity is created out of participation in group delusions, lies, codependency, or criminality. Groupthink is how a mob drifts to the lowest common denominator, and why a mob is potentially vicious, evil, and sociopathic. Group
authority ameliorates and dissolves personal conscience, and by having their emotions
manipulated and their social identity threatened, people give up their own better judgment and accept the judgment of the most psychopathic member of the group.
9. Pack Psychology is the psychology exhibited primarily by mammals in small groups
in which 3 primary roles are assumed by social participants. The roles are Alpha- the leader, Beta- the followers, and Delta- the orbiters. In human society that translates in a super-simplified way into bullies, cliques, and nerds.
10. Problem solving psychology must contend against groupthink and pack psychology in the arena of opinion. Problem solving psychology is emotionally neutral and uses the mind and logic to look at all aspects of a problem and try to come up with a viable problem solving process. Problem solving psychology is the worst enemy of both
Rightist and Leftist Dogmatists. True problem solving psychology comes from the place of the radical middle. It takes in all sides and all viewpoints, and it gives each its fair dues
And attention in creating a problem solving process that works from the big picture down through into the nano details.

Psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psychology - Student Resources - Psychology Articles
Encyclopedia of Psychology - Psychology Websites
Psychology Wiki
Social Psychology Network

Brodmanns brain areas and etc;
The Human Brain
Brain Areas
Brodmann area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tool Module: Brodmann's Cortical Areas
Cerebral Lobes, Cerebral Cortex, and Brodmann's Areas
Neuroscience For Kids - questions/answers 2

Brain wave Functions Alpha  Beta Theta Brainwaves
CrossRoads Institute - Who We Are

There are Five main need groups. They are;
Physical, Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual or Transpersonal.

Each of those need groups is composed of several needs. Every problem we face is a problem because it obstructs our ability to meet
peoples needs.

Maslows Hierarchy of needs has been modernly replaced by a simpler model which also appears to more directly model instinct.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - Motivation Theory

» Maslow's Theory of Motivation - Hierarchy of Needs


Abraham H. Maslow: Hierarchy of Human Needs, existentialism and Abraham H. Maslow, the Realm of Existentialism at DividingLine.com


feral satyr
Oh my Prometheus, you've studied more then I have!


generally speaking, and, so far in my life, thats universally true, since i can read a textbook in a single sitting and spent a whole decade of my life as a textbook

I once found an autistic savant who could read astoundingly faster than me.

but they couldn't recrunch it; only parrot it back.

other than that its generally very clear that i read faster than anybody i run into and that the two years i spent specifically researching esoteric christianity to get up and over it did get me up and over it.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Prometheus I can read pretty fast myself, but not that fast. I could probably read a book in under a day if I read it non-stop. I'm autistic as well, well, asperger's syndrome. Yeah, I'm quite the bookworm myself.


I believe the evidence to be the manifestation of the fruitage of God's Holy Spirit (the force he uses to accomplish his purpose). The fruitage being the same qualities that God has displayed toward the human family. We cultivate these qualities in imitation of our Heavenly Father and then display them through our interactions with others. Therefore what is outside, comes from within.

Galatians 5:23,23

New American Standard Bible

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
King James Bible
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, 23mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.


feral satyr
do you know it was so much fun...to see it all; spinning before me in the matrix;

the wheel of all things and all languages and all symbols; a vortex storm of thoughts;

and how wild eyed it can be to make some kinds of features invisible and see transparently;
through it all...

how any path is a description, which for the person using that description has a meaning whose only real solid existence objectively is what it means to them and the listener.

words; epistemological problems...

when it uncorks, all the so called arguments become the side show. The real and only truly interesting thing is how it all connects. how it all spirals into the one thing. how the
uni verse sings itself out as a scalar fractal due to the mere friction across the branes..

and how because of that uni connection the uni verse is holotropic and holographic;
all things are connected via quantum information.

including after all the heads of 40 arguers who think they have something to argue over;
but whom truly must rely on each other to climb out of all that head stress...?

for me it becomes my fix on a location which is theirs in Tiferet. all meanings become either mine knowing mine and theirs or usually theirs, with me doing whats polite but they don't even know to accommodate them for language transitions.

What if when you have true understanding you can juggle those metaphors to show connections and truths cross paradigm?

my intention, goal, interest, at this point, is to lead a crowd to start where i did when i was eight and take it on that same ten year tour.

reading textbooks. open source. together. and working to think through the problems and solve them together.



feral satyr
I believe the evidence to be the manifestation of the fruitage of God's Holy Spirit (the force he uses to accomplish his purpose). The fruitage being the same qualities that God has displayed toward the human family. We cultivate these qualities in imitation of our Heavenly Father and then display them through our interactions with others. Therefore what is outside, comes from within.

Galatians 5:23,23

New American Standard Bible

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
King James Bible
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, 23mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.


the moods and possibilities for interaction are implicit in the large scale scalar fractals as well as in biochemical geometry. in fact both chemistry and gravity do the same scalar fractal orbital bonding type mechanics but at different scales.

similarly, we are a pattern which is the same pattern of not just the implied "DNA" but also some like to admit the scalar fractal structure of this universe itself.

our DNA is a scalar fractal hologram. That turns out to emanate if you use very sensitive kirlian imaging to make a human being look like a magnetic bonfire.

we are a scalar fractal neuromusucular electricity holograph or holomorph.

and so that echoes upwards into scale.

THIS is the missing key that unlocks understanding things like carlos castenada or other pop new age stuff. You experience flying out of your body
and into that hyperspace above you if electricity rushes out of your head at a sufficient rate.
Its got nowhere to go but back down to ground, which means its caught in an entanglement loop or bubble and cascading back to the ground.

psychology has been aware for years of proxemics...
kirlian photogrpahy shows that your electrical body is an order of magnitude larger than your physical one.


feral satyr
Oh my. If this is true I may need therapy and a good lawyer.

your translation may differ.

Your translation as a satanis would probably be closer to;

evidence that our animal nature is infinitely complicated;

The users manual psychonautica.
No, I don't think our animal nature is nearly as complicated as those that ascribe magical properties to the human experience (read - almost everyone) would like to think.

But I was more referring to 'dna' evidence than anything. It was horrible..I didn't even see him coming..not even the second time!