Secular humanism is one ideology or worldview that an atheist can hold. Referring to atheist ideology suggests that atheism can be an ideology itself. Atheists can hold any number of worldviews that don't include gods. Probably most people into astrology are atheists if they think the stars guide their lives. Secular humanists are continually grouped with Stalinists and other kinds of brutal authoritarian ideologies and regimes as the title of this thread illustrates yet again. It's all dishonestly conflated together under atheism by theists who can't promote or defend their own ideology, and so attack the alternative just as the creationist cannot promote creationism except to try to cripple its alternatives, abiogenesis and biological evolution..
But most also do not want to kill them. Christianity in the West is waning as atheism is growing, and this is due to older Christians dying of natural causes, not converting, and their non-Christian grandchildren who prefer atheism, New Age alternatves, Wicca, paganism, dharmic religions and the like replacing them.
Thank you for a well written coherent response.
I think it's fair to say that atheists can have a variety of ideologies.
And I think we've hit upon something significant: that while many people believe that the religious and god believing people will have to die for the masses to achieve 'real happiness', for the most part they balk at doing the deed themselves. There is a moral hang-up about the part where you hasten 'utopia' through murder.
So far, I haven't had any atheists post on this forum that the fundamental communist argument was in any way incorrect, even those that seem to very adamantly declare that atheism is 'lack of belief' have not posted saying that the flaw in the argument is the proposition 'Gods do not exist'. Not has anyone said that any of the statement following do not follow:
Religion is false, offers false happiness, is a tool of oppression, enslavement, and manipulation.
Religion will have to be abolished before people can find 'real happiness'.
And millions of people will have to die for that to happen.
The only objection is that they don't support murder.
Some want to say it's not about the fundamental proposed argument. It's about some other force acting, but that's a dodge. It avoids them having to really offer their opinion on the logic.
It seems that they agree with Sam Harris that communism and fascism were correct in their criticisms of religion. And like Sam Harris they have an issue with making the leap from what logically follows to taking action based on the irrefutable argument (the criticism of religion) in the form of murder.
So yeah, there's a complaint among the atheists that they've been lumped in with ideas or actions that they don't support. But when you actually question them about the logic. The irrefutable necessity that millions must die, they do the natural human thing and evade evade evade, refuse to answer, engage in ad hominem, and plead that they are merely being unfairly grouped with bad people by theists.
And maybe some of the things they are saying are true, but I'm not here to here to dispute those things.