Since it can not be proven there is no God any more than it can not be proven there is a God, it would take no less faith to believe there is no God than it would take to believe there is a God.
Without faith in one or the other, the only true thing someone could say is they don't know if there is not, or there is a God. At least that would accord with the lack of evidence one way or the other.
If there is a difference in the faith required to believe one way or the other, I'd be curious to hear about that difference.
Science as a male human has always taught Creation concepts and said God was the stone as a philosophy.
I have faith and trust that information, for I knowingly walk upon a stone planet.
Science as a male human said, the Earth, the planet God stone by mountain law, volcano released the spirit of gases from out of its God body. Space, cold evolved those spirit gases.
I have faith and trust that information, for it is logical.
And then I live in the faith of my owned humanity, with my extended human family, brothers and sisters. As a logical thinker, one Mother and one Father cannot own all the created human life. So I know I live with a close family, but live with an extended family.
I know animals live before us....that information is obvious.
I know that the Nature Garden lived before humans and animals....that information is obvious.
The spirit of our living experience, logical, for we live, we talk and observe whilst we live, and we live our human experience, as we live. Logical.
As the conscious self identity, a human, I know that if the creation did not exist then nor would I as a human. But my personal human studies and experiences allowed me to realize that a spiritual being exists in a status eternal that is not owned in creation. It is self owned in its own state and communicated to my life body and mind.
And changed my physical experience, as both an emotional, mental and physical sensation. So it spiritually proved itself to me. Without superiority, without talking, without imposing a status other than my own realization that it existed.
And this spirit was always named by humans as the eternal spirit.
I have experienced feed back and recording of spiritual presence/imagery as voice and also personal experience. And I know the 2 conditions are not the same.
The atmospheric created condition owns recording of the voice and image....and I learnt that it is God, the stone planet owned history. And it makes common sense why it exists recording, as the state in creation to record.
The eternal spirit makes common logical sense to me where creation had been spiritually released from.
The eternal spirit proved itself to me....I never needed to have any faith about its existence.
God proved itself to me...…...and I never owned in faith in God seeing humans as males own the choices if we live or die by what they choose on Earth in science conditions.