John D. Brey
Well-Known Member
John D. Brey said:In ancient mythology, god segregated out a people for himself. They were called "priests." And they were produced through jus primae noctis. God got first dibs on the tribe's brides. The firstborn male from every marriage was his son, his priest. Thereafter the bride's offspring were produced through her and her groom and made up the non-priestly clan. The firstborn was the price paid (pidyon haben) for being ruled by and protected by the tribal god.
In the ritual, the bride went into the most holy place of the temple, representing heaven, and placed oil (Heb. semen שמן) on a representation of a divine phallus (yesod) on which she would deflower herself, open her womb (tear the veil of her virginity) on the wooden or metal representation of the divine phallus. In this sense her firstborn was conceived by the tribal god and represented "messiah" which means the one born of the "anointing" of the divine phallus; he's the anointed one out of the rest of her offspring.
Interpreted anthropologically, the first human was the first bride of god, and was supposed to birth his first priest, the firstborn of humanity, messiah. Only thereafter was she to birth the non-priestly clan.
But Eve was the first case of adultery. Though she was created pregnant with god's firstborn (apart from sexual congress), her adultery (sexual congress) produced a twin in her womb, and this twin was born first (though he was second), causing her and the race born of her to begin to raise Cain from the get-go. On the other hand, God's firstborn was subject to an extreme stillbirth that lasted thousands of years.
A horrible thing occurred at Horeb. Because of Israel's sin (the golden calf fiasco) God allowed the birth of the stillborn of Eve as a lithopedion: the tablets of the law. Rather than giving them the living firstborn of creation (Messiah), they got a lithograph of the law that loosely represents the living Word.
The Levitical priesthood was ordained to administer to the law, which, as noted earlier in the thread, was the lithopedion, the lithographic, textual representation, of Messiah, the latter being the living Word. As John the Baptist proclaimed, God could have raised up Abraham's messianic son(s) from those stones if Israel had been willing.
When, in the Gospel of Luke, the Pharisee's chided Jesus for allowing his followers to proclaim him the anointed one, Jesus responded that if his followers weren't allowed to proclaim that truth, it would be left to the stones, the lithopedion, the lithograph, the law, to proclaim the same (Luke 19:40):
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.The primary point is that the pagan rituals (like the one described above) contain contamination related to the original sin that cast man out of the garden, and into confusion. Israel is the people through whom the pagan rituals will be cleansed of their contamination, their uncleanness.
John 5:39.
For example, in the pagan rituals, the virgin bride enters the most holy place of the temple representing the heavenly bedchamber of god (Rashi) where the pagans (of the phallic-cults) have set up a wooden or metal phallic symbol. The veil of the virgin bride, her intact hymen, is torn from the outside in by a divine phallus symbolizing that her firstborn son belongs to the priesthood of the tribal god.
The pagan messiah (anointed one) is messianic, and priestly, because his virgin mother's temple veil was opened by an "anointed" (with holy oil) divine phallus.
Israel's rituals correct the pagan ritual not by obliterating the symbolism (N. Sarna), but by removing the contamination associated with the original sin.
For instance, whereas the veil of the virgin pagan temple (the virgin bride) is opened from the outside in by a divine phallus salubriously prepared for her by anointing it with oil (to make the ordeal less painful), in the Jewish ritual the phallus that opens the veil of the virgin temple (the kohen gadol) has been prepared, anointed, not with oil, but blood (brit milah). The high priest, who opens the veil of the virgin temple (without tearing it), must be circumcised prior to entering into the bedchamber of God (Rashi). The Torah says no intact man can enter behind the veil of the temple.
What that signifies is that the veil of the temple must be opened from the inside out (Matthew 27:51), rather than the outside in, and the messianic individual opening the veil from the inside out, rather than the outside in, must, one, not be conceived through a phallus (the blood that anoints the phallus of the high priest signifies that, birkat kohanim), and two, must therefore be virgin born. He, not some swinging Richard, opens the veil of the temple of his mother to come out of that flesh untainted and uncontaminated by the nature of the original sin (phallic-sex, Heb. semen שמן).
The information above came late in the thread on A New Priesthood. That thread, minus the information above, was edited into an essay derived from the thread The I AM of the Amidah (here). These threads often become difficult to follow. But most of them have an underlying theme that's eventually edited into a coherent and focused line of thought.
This thread (not to be confused with the metal band by a similar name) is interested in the new priesthood come not from Levi, i.e., the Levitical priesthood, but through Judah. The Tanakh is clear that the Levitical priesthood is an everlasting priesthood. This makes the existence of two priesthoods, the Levitical, and the priesthood come through Judah, extremely important. Attempting to understand the nature of a dual-priesthood would probably lend itself to seeing deeper into the division that divides Judaism and Christianity.
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