What are the criteria for determining a religion to be realistic? That is, a religion that conforms to and does not contradict what we know of reality. What criteria would we use to be able to recognize such a religion and/or determine such a religion unrealistic?
First of all we need to first agree what religion is. Many people associate religion with the belief in Deities. However, it can be shown that not all religions have Deities. Buddhism is one such example.
Deities alone is over simplified and is not sufficient for a complete definition of religion. I am trying to be inclusive, so we can include secret religions, who try to hide under the radar. Much of what is called political may well be a type of religion, with or without deities, since beliefs and outcomes are not pre certified by science.
One possible way to fine tune a definition of religion, so it is more complete and modern, is to consider the never ending debate between religion and science on these forums. Those who side with science seem to claim that God and gods are all imaginary, since they cannot be proven by science. Say we work with that. A possible complete definition for religion would be connected to a system of collective beliefs, based on imaginary things or ideas, which are not easy to prove with science. Buddhism is about evolving your mind from within, which requires a high level of imagination to make the command lines push internal buttons. This is not easy to prove with science, other than from the surface, which cannot see the inner man.
When the political Left, made Trump a type of Archetypical Bad Guy; he was Hitler and the Anti-christ at the same time, since this was imaginary; the transmutation of spirit is not provable by science, it should be considered a type of religion. They created an imaginary villain to worship, that could not be proven by science to have all the prescribed imaginary attributes. The Russian collusion scam would have also been considered part of a religion, since it was an imaginary system of beliefs that were collective swallowed like a poison pill. The mob would worship each day and recite the dark prayers.
When the Left was using Twitter to spread misinformation, by deleting data points; shadow banding and censorship, the conclusions all became imaginary, since deleting data violates the rules of science. Science cannot prove a theory from an experiment, when it knows data was taken away. The new curve may touch the remaining data points, but it lacks realty, since reality included the deleted points during experimentation. Lying and deception, by altering reality data, will lead people into their imagination, to fill in the curve. This can cause a form of religion to spawn, due to science data principles being disconnected.
Most mainstreams religions are there to help people, so maybe imaginary systems that violate science due to deception and data deletion, designed to fool and/or harm people, need to be lumped with the Satanic religions. Religions have their own divide; extrapolate realty to the divine, versus alter reality with deception and censorship. The first can lead to innovation, the second to degeneration.
What about belief systems that lead to unnatural behavior? To study nature, is to study natural things, and from the study of these natural things science infers the laws of nature. Unnatural behavior will not be part of natural science. These will not be induced by natural instinct, and therefore will have an imagination component, that is not natural but may be religion based.
What comes to mind is the idea that gender preference can override assigned sex at birth even though assigned sex at birth is controlled by an entire chromosome. If you buy into this, you are claiming an entire chromosome, full of genes, is not that important to the final outcome. How does science justify that and/or why doesn't it speak up and settle this, instead of offer cover? Science appears to have it own religion or is afraid of religious persecution by Satan religions with money, that will fudge data, rendering the conclusions imaginary.
If you look at manmade climate change and how science censored science, that did not agree with its preferred premises and conclusions, this made it semi-imaginary due to data tampering. Science is supposed to be able to look under any rock to cover all the bases. We can learn even from mistakes. Once it censors competing science experiments, it is trying to stack the deck, so the theory can becomes semi- imaginary and pat of a Satanic style religion, that is now based on an archetypical end of the world scenario, to feed their religious mob, for its own pseudo-science confirmation.
Marketing which panders to the imagination of people, would also be a type of religion, since it tries to induce the imagination, so it can pass the collection box around; Coke verse Pepsi. The mainstream religion seek to remain natural; old ways, and not lie and misrepresent reality, like the Satanic ones who are in denial.