It answers my question of diverse intelligences in nature and affirms my intuition that there are goal oriented processes in nature.
Levin is known for xenobots:
Focused on the molecular mechanisms that cells use to communicate with one another in developing embryos, Levin’s research aims to harness the bioelectric dynamics towards rational control of growth and form. The language medium: bioelectricity. One proof-of-concept for this view of the world, xenobots – synthetic life forms created in his lab from the skin and heart-muscle cells of frogs – demonstrate the ability of organisms to grow and regenerate through the careful direction of goal-seeking behavior.
Evolution doesn't produce specific solutions to specific environmental problems. It produces problem solving machines. Machines that can solve problems in other spaces.
My philosophy does not enter into what this scientist is doing. My philosophy is that there is an experiencial dimension to nature. My opinion is that there are non living intelligences that may not be alive like humans are, but nonetheless operate in nature by making decisions with goals.
My philosophy is intelligence is eternal.