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  • Thank you for the like on Do you like crescent rolls?I do.
    Crescent rolls are great! I also like croissants! Tough to go wrong with quality pastries.
    Thanx for the hypothetical Panera situation froobation.
    And for phrubing avoiding communism.
    And for the why people want socialism frubism.
    And for foolbring Snow White's living will.
    Thanx for the thread tools froobal.
    And for phruubling the sky not falling.
    And for the unclutched bug-out bag furball.
    And for foolbring a tip for serious discussion, ie, fewer insults.
    And for the Orange Julius Caesar froobar.
    And for phlurbitting the question of a trap.
    Thanx for the irony meter fruber.
    And for fruballing objecting to obstructing discussion.
    And for the fastener identification frubation.
    And for flurbing a new constitutional amendment for elections.
    And for the pro anchovy detente froobil.
    And for foorballing the problem of justice being bigger than race.
    And for the political hypocrisy regarding USSC justice appointments phroobal.
    Thanx for froobing the penguin praising Donald Jr.
    And for the ueful dictionary frubary.
    And for fruballing Trump's failure as Prez.
    And for the letting go of hostility frubity.
    And for flurbing the dubious Political Compass.
    And for the healthy skepticism frubism.
    And for foolbring digital eroticism.
    And for the no primary rigging DNC froolbe.
    Thanx for froobling income tax code changes.
    And for the incompetent/corrupt investigator frubor.
    And for fruballing useless spinach.
    And for the capitalist Denmark frubal.
    And for frubing the question of who is abusive.
    And for the support of person v policy frubicy frubicy.
    And for froubing Trump occasionally reading.
    And for the stacking up so far fruuble.
    Thanx for fruballing the spreading around of money!
    And for the GM labor reduction fruble.
    And for froobing professional licensing.
    And for the politically pragmatic flurbic.
    And for flurbing highly speculative Trump news.
    And for the fault for craphole states froobal.
    And for furballing sexist double standards of Democrats.
    And for the questionable catastrophe frubil.
    Thanx for Hillary's purloined debate questions furball !
    And for froobing the dodged bullet!
    And for the not handling their loss very well frubler!
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