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  • Sorry I got sidetracked here at work, was nice to chat with you for a bit. -Joe
    Sorry I had to go so suddenly. My brother had a car accident and I had to break everything up to go to him.
    Thanks for the American joke frubal!
    Luciferi Baphomet
    Luciferi Baphomet
    What is this frubal thing?
    On Q's behalf, frubal is a made up name used to be used for "like" in the old software/forum design like 2 years ago. Giving a frubal is giving a like.
    Luciferi Baphomet
    Luciferi Baphomet
    Oh ok cool. Didn't know that.
    Hi SG, thinking about you today, and I hope things are going well for you. -Joe
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    Reactions: Smart_Guy
    Joe! Hey, how's it going? Somehow my life got really busy here with family, work and... optimizing my computers including overclocking them! The best two computers took so much of my time and they are driving me crazy... almost! The i5 750 is @~3.7Ghz and the i5 3570K is @~4.2Ghz. Both are at testing stage now. Stock speeds are 2.66Ghz and 3.4Ghz respectively. Really nice of you to ask, bro. Thanks!
    I meant to answer sooner, and sorry I missed you on the BC yesterday. Sounds like you got some pretty significant increases on those processors! Take care. -Joe
    Greetings, Smart_Guy. It is just internet banter. Do not take it too seriously. Aup.
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    If there is anything you'd like me to edit out or rephrase in that post if seen inappropriate, please do tell and I'll do it.
    I have no problem with your posts (perhaps never had any and will never have one). I was only afraid that my post may have been a little unpleasant for you. If so, I ask your excuse. Aup.
    Ha, honestly I do get this weird feeling from some of your posts sometimes, but I don't allow them to make me misjudge you in person. It's cool :)
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