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  • Thank you for the like on the thread Signs of the Times - What’s happening to our world?. - always a pleasure to read your carefully reasoned posts
    Thanx for froobing the shibboleth.
    And for the fellow word butcher fruber.
    And for flurbing Bernie not being a real socialist.
    And for the Stud Buddy fruby.
    And for furballing claims of racism & bad haircuts.
    And for the blessed heart frubing.
    Thanx for the outstanding Bernie Sanders quality frubity.
    And for furballing not taking beliefs too seriously.
    And for the problems of being chosen people fruble.
    And for froobing the attitudes of Jews & Christians towards lesser people.
    And for the arachnocommie flag froobie.
    And for flurbing the problem of science vs religion vs COVID-19.
    And for the cautionary frubary.
    Thanks for offering your good words in the Mysticism thread... I gave you a 'heart' frooble, because that's the highest rating possible IMO. :)
    Thanks for the frube on "Man Unleashes Profanity-Filled Tirade Against Peaceful Satanists in MN Park"
    Thank you for the like and the winner on Non-Americans with universal healthcare. Do you prefer your system or privatized like the U.S. Why?
    Thanx for froobing the origins of hatred.
    And for the irrelevance of logic furball.
    And for fruballing the Klingon God.
    And for the divine vs physics fruble.
    And for furball'n my old forum dying, & my coming here.
    And for the dangerous Trump v Iran policy frubicy.
    thanx for the big star frub....but the absence is everything ! including beliefs, but keep the love !
    Thanx for the sleeping baby fruby!
    And for fruballing waking up!
    And for the hard to understand flurble!
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