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  • Where did you get your avatar? It's very lovely.
    It is a Swedish cover for the Book "The Fires of Heaven" by Robert Jordan in the Wheel of Time fantasy series
    • Like
    Reactions: Terese
    Thanks :D
    Thank you! Are you saying you're older than I am? I thought I was the oldest person alive!
    I like "Odion", but I got sick of people misspelling it, so I changed to "Breathe", which is a bit more complex to explain, but it's to do with watching one's breath in meditation, Ruah ha-Qodesh, and a simply "just be" attitude. :)
    I really enjoy and get something new when I read your posts. I wonder if you might join in conversation about the beatitudes on Christian DIR?
    hi :) i don't know what you mean by that but my teacher makes his students tell what they think in every lesson. there is nothing wrong about having an opinion, questioning and searching. only changing meanings of verses and misleading people is wrong aka making personal commentaries and twisting real meaning.
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