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  • Thank You for being patient with me during one of the sub forums, recently.............I wish you good health and good fortune
    Thanx for the disbelieving in things not making sense frubal.
    And for foolbring Michael Jackson's death in the NYC nuke blast.
    And for the birthday cake furball.
    And for furbling Blue Velvet.
    Thanks for the funny frube for New technology in wind turbines.

    And thanks also for the like on Is lifeless Venus destroying Darwin?
    Thanx for the "Reductio ad Trumpum" froobum.
    And for phurlbing the law not applying to cops.
    And for the Jules Verne on the Mysterious Island flurbe.
    And for foolbring Fight Island (aka RF).
    And for the great real estate deals from Trump frubal.
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