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  • And for the policing against proselytizing for the sake of policing frubing.
    And for fruballing the coronavirus being banned from RF for proselytizing.
    And for the several anti anti-maskers froobers.
    And for the fewer people frooble.
    And for flurbing Trump's self-sabotaging his re-election campaign.
    And for the hiding erotica behind a spoiler froober.
    Thanx for the letting other countries mind their own business frubal.
    And for fruubing ending hostilities in the national interest.
    And for the not being bellicose frooble.
    And for flurbing bad things Ameristan did to Iran.
    And for the usefulness of nuclear weapons furball.
    And for foolbring the language purge list.
    And for the no problem with proselytizing frubing.
    Thanx for the checkered pasts & presents of both parties froobil.
    And for flurbing red blooded draft dodging Ameristanian angry groundskeepers.
    And for the England vs Scotland frubal.
    And for foolbring Ameristan's attacks upon Venezuelan & Iranian economic liberty.
    And for the Ameristanian insanity froobity.
    And for furbling not trying.
    And for the mostly 1 or 2 words froube.
    Thanx for the origins of USian war lust froobyl.
    And for floorbing anti-social safety.
    And for the stare decisis frubis.
    And for the several Russian bounty frubals.
    And for phroobing another possible pandemic from China.
    And for the Brickjectivity becoming bacon froub.
    Thanx for the 51 star flags frubol.
    And for flurbing stuffing babies with BBQ sauce before cooking.
    And for the plethora of frubals for the Bounty On US Troops.
    And for fruballing banning certain Batman movies from existence.
    And for the making mountains out of molehills frubil.
    And for the bounty of frubals on Bounty On US Troops.
    Thanks for the funny frube on How Do You know You Are Not In A Cult? And thanks also for the funny frube on . (Stop, period, point etc)
    Thanx for the not naming names furball.
    And for froubling the AOC end of the world countdown clock.
    And for the Sun Rise statue froobe.
    And for flurballing not remembering the Xmas end-of-the-world party.
    And for the rule #6 froobyl.
    And for fourbling how to evaluate Presidents.
    And for the DC history frubory.
    Thanx for the dating survey anti-fox bias frubil.
    And for flrubing your keen insight.
    And for the whites only forum froobum.
    And for foolbring God, the known racist.
    And for fruballing my having been The Pope.
    And for the clear people fruble.
    And for flourbing Clear Americans.
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