I have a long very strong interest in religions, almost an obsession at times. I try very hard to be the best person I can be, to me religion is about being a better person than we would be without it.
I have worked most of my adult life in the musical instrument business, building baroque German keyboards called clavichords, and restoring, buying and selling violins.
I have a long history of substance abuse, mostly marijuana, and am very happy to have 7 years sober, at it has really changed my life for the better, I suffer from Manic depression caused by harder drug abuse in the 80s, but now thanks to my sobriety my illness is in remission, although I still have to take medication for it religiously.
Sobriety, Honesty, vegetarianism, non violence are some of the most important lessons I have learned from my religious studies.
(In my opinion) Insincere Prayers reach insincere "gods". Sincere Prayers reach the True GOD. If you are worshiping a male "god" of Jealousy, Rage, Anger, and Intolerance, I suggest your prayers might be better redirected. I address God as the LORD GOD Embodiment of Truth and Wisdom, a God of Goodness, Love, Peace, Forgiveness and Sustenance, and to me GOD has to be more Female. I think God has some male side too, but only a Female can give birth to life, and without the Female side of GOD in our hearts we may not be seeing the full picture.