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Recent content by MatCauthorn

  1. MatCauthorn

    Robertson at it again

    Hmmm... along the lines of, "who is the more foolish -- the fool, or the fool that follows him?" (Obi-Wan Kenobi) -- Mat
  2. MatCauthorn

    Televangelist Calls for Chavez' Death

    He goes from advocating murder to advocating kidnapping. What a humanitarian... http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050824/us_nm/venezuela_robertson_dc_12 He is obviously scrambling to try to regain whatever credibility he might have left. There really aren't too many ways to interpret the...
  3. MatCauthorn

    Family and Friends

    I'd be tempted to have an honest conversation with him and see what he fears you might say to them. It's pretty closed-minded of him to say that you can't even be around his kids for fear that you might exude some sort of religion (or irreligion) with which he is not comfortable. I can see his...
  4. MatCauthorn

    just a few questions

    Interestingly, Christianity is so pervasive (at least here in the US) that people who find themselves heading down the path of becoming an agnostic or atheist often feel that they are Satanists simply because they question the existence of a Christian God. -- Mat
  5. MatCauthorn

    Televangelist Calls for Chavez' Death

    Unfortunately, "The 700 Club" is taken seriously by millions of people, which is why I'm worried about this. It's not as if it's some unknown off-the-wall crackpot saying these things. It's a VERY well-known crackpot. ;-) Seriously, though, you see my point. Just because he's well-known, his...
  6. MatCauthorn

    Televangelist Calls for Chavez' Death

    Isn't it kind of a nicety of US foreign policy that we don't go around whacking every foreign leader with whom we diagree? For Pat Robertson to suggest this sort of thing goes WAY too far, in my opinion. -- Mat
  7. MatCauthorn

    just a few questions

    I am no longer searching for a religion -- I am merely seeking to understand. My feeling so far has been that traditional religions tend to have very hard-and-fast rules on specific issues, and that these are meant for exclusionary purposes rather than to foster understanding. It is currently my...
  8. MatCauthorn

    Family and Friends

    As someone who has passed through a great many religious stages in his life (and who continues to do so) I would feel very disingenuous about condemning someone for their religious choices. The only time I am tempted to disapprove of someone's religious lifestyle is when they try to force their...
  9. MatCauthorn

    Flag burning?

    These are both thoughts that I had when composing my earlier post, but couldn't figure out how to work in succinctly. Frubals to you! -- Mat
  10. MatCauthorn

    Flag burning?

    This is the crux of the issue. People can say all they want that burning the flag is "disrespectful" or "demeans history" or any number of things like that, but you don't have to be holding a burning flag to do that. Someone can go around expressing hateful opinions about veterans, railing...
  11. MatCauthorn

    Most parents are addicted to their children

    You are describing yourself into a corner. If a person is unwilling to devote themselves totally and unyieldingly to be a parent, then in your opinion they are unqualified to become a parent. However, someone who is fine with giving up everything in their life - everything which previously has...
  12. MatCauthorn

    Most parents are addicted to their children

    While I agree with the sentiment that people should think carefully before deciding to have children, I think that some of your eleven reasons are pretty condescending: 5) You are single. 7) You know you will have to hire help to assist you in caring for your child. To...
  13. MatCauthorn

    Pleasures of Atheism

    I know what you mean, and I sort of feel the same way. Although I must admit that I still feel a familiar "pull" whenever I hear the old lines about, "Jesus died for your sins," and when people say the various chants (Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary, etc.), I feel like I could never going back to...
  14. MatCauthorn

    ID Proponents Not Letting a Few Facts Get in the Way...

    Whether your conspiracy theory is correct or not, the end result is the same. As it is, kids are already showing up in college classrooms with no formal knowledge of evolution because schools and teachers are becoming so reticent to take a stand on the issue that they are simply not teaching...
  15. MatCauthorn

    ID Proponents Not Letting a Few Facts Get in the Way...

    Unfortunately, it often is difficult to debunk these sorts of arguments in the settings in which they're presented. An intelligent design proponent can stand up at a school meeting and say, "Now, nobody here believes that humans came from monkeys, so don't go giving us that old line. I read a...