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Shadow Wolf
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  • Thanks for the frube on The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 2!

    And thanks muchly for the like and winner frubes on Why do people leave Christianity?
    Thanx for the serious bird frubal.
    And for phoorlbing the bear "going to lawn".
    And for the surprised bird furball.
    And for furbling Glenn Close's award nominations.
    And for the Wu Wei master thesis on Kardashians floorbit.
    And for the several misread titles frubles.
    Thanx for the drinkie drinkie squirrel frubel.
    And for phroobing sledgehammer mischief.
    And for the bench trial frubal.
    A/nd for flurbing pepper spray vs perfume.
    And for the El Diddly Diablo frooble.
    And for furbilling the myth of a habitable Mars.
    And for the finding an onion ring in my fries froub.
    Thanks for liking chocolate and shower gel
    And cheers for the random meaningless winner and funny frubes
    Thanx for the possibly pregnant phrubal.
    And for foolbring the meaning of "higher power" to atheists.
    And for the half decent vs decent beer furble.
    And for phulbring "heathen".
    And for the right of the right & left of the left flurbit.
    And for the surveillance vs liberty frooberty.
    And for furballing filtered whiskey.
    Thanks for the sugar lump frube on Ken Hams Worst case scenario. Ark held 7000 animals inside.
    Thanx for the bacon & eggs make a life worth living frubing.
    And for foolbring cops triggering riots.
    And for the nothing good ever starts out that way phrube.
    And for fruballing are we there yet.
    And for the Family Guy evolution frooblet.
    And for phulbing Musk's $27B loss.
    Thanx for the metric system vs the inchworm & footlong sub froobal.
    And for foolbring the great many authors who must be banned because of some unPC aspect.
    And for the schools named after only sinless people freoble.
    And for phloorbing the MI business census rude questions.
    And for the uncrushed win frooble.
    And for fruballing...uh...never mind.
    Thanks for the winner frube on The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 2!

    And thanks also for the optical illusion frube
    Thanx for the people chasing likes vs rats chasing food froobe.
    And for phurlbing Rival's invitation to be annoying.
    And for the dangers of the metric system frublem.
    And for foolbring the metric system for drugs.
    And for the claimed amoral atheist froobist.
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