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  • I love the statement on your profile about how people who don't love animals aren't worth your time! Animals are definitely the most awesome creations God ever came up with. I cannot imagine a world without them.

    Right now I have one very spoiled 15-year old cat named Annie who had made it clear that she will not tolerate another cat in her house. I also have an 11-year old Collie named Ginger and a 10-year old Golden Retriever mix named Charlie. Given their ages, I'm afraid that sometime in the not too distant future, I am going to end up losing all of them within the same year. It scares me to death. Tell me about your pets!
    You are a sweet, bright light on this forum. May God be with you and yours this holiday season and throughout the New Year. Hugs!
    I think that it is a subtle hint, nonetheless. yes it refers to humans, but it makes a distinction between flesh and blood and the Father. Like I said, it was just something I cam across while reading. I can't say for sure until I look into more.
    Hey, katzpur, I was just doing my reading for class and I came across his verse:
    Matthew 16:17
    And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

    I’m not sure if you were aware of this verse or not, but this verse shows that God the father is not a physical being.
    I am sick so missed a multi-stake dance and will probably miss Sacrament meeting tomorrow. But I am glad I wasn't sick last week or I wuld have missed Stake Conferences.
    Hello Katzpur, I just dropped in to know more about whom I'm replying to.
    Oh...and a happy belated Happy Birthday greeting to you :)
    I'm not yet decided because of my busy schedule. Just like this week, I have a final exam so I just have a quick visit. hehe, I really hope I can be back for good.
    In my case, I would say it's irrational. Being so, I do keep it out of the majority of my other beliefs.
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