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Scuba Pete
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  • Ha ha your back , boy you were missed around here what with the election and all, welcome back
    Happy New Year from Kai & Co

    PS come back soon , your input is missed
    Friend SP,
    Am sure you will come up tops over the situation.
    Take care.
    Love & rgds
    Friend Pete,
    Whats the matter, find you mostly under water?
    when are your surfacing?
    Or do something to design a underwater computer system with internet?

    Take care.
    Love & rgds
    Oh no, the best part is the self portrait, IMHO. :)

    I'm doing good. God is good!
    How are ya, Pete? I loved your scuba artwork, btw. Lol. Very original! *grin*
    Although we won't agree on some aspect of our beliefs, I'm sure there are other areas where we are in complete agreement. Let's keep the convrsation alive.
    Vacation was lots of fun, darlin'. I shopped a LOT and really enjoyed the sights. Too bad I missed you. One of these days I'm sure I'll find you somewhere in Florida since I somehow find my way down there once or twice a year at some point. :hug:
    I'm happy to be your friend however as you have probably noticed I am no longer posting on RF nor do I even login, anyway I'm honored to be your friend.

    Good Evening Scuba Pete
    Thank you for asking and yes why not!
    That is why I came onto this great forum in the first place to find myself again and to see and share with others as things move on.

    Best wishes to always

    With Blessings

    Simon Cross
    Pete -
    The straw stays in, because of the vacuum underneath it. I probably killed off enough gray cells when I was younger to undo all of the lobotomies performed in the 1960's.
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