Also, for those who may/not know, I shall be living 'here' in future, away from 'General Exhibition'.
Apparently, I broke the first law of the internet...'What happens in Fight Club stays in Fight Club' and now, this is the result.
I have also returned to my Wiccan roots, but I am no longer a 'White Witch' anymore. I can be 'God'....I can be 'Satan' all depends on who p***es me off and to what extent they do.
People who really know me, have seen what I am capable of, and doing it for the 'greater good' hasn't got me anywhere, so I hereby denounce the Wiccan's a load of B.S. because Karma is 'sposed to work 'both ways' and it simply does not and therefore, Karma does not exist or one would also be rewarded for the 'good' they do and not just criticised for the 'bad' only.
So, it's time I do what I must do and screw the consequences.