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Search results

  1. Absolutely Frank

    Science is Magic!

    No matter how people spin it, science isn't just about studying nature and its phenomena. It's also fundamentally about control. The drive to know everything stems from a deep-seated fear of an uncontrollable and chaotic natural world that threatens us with extinction at every turn. Some...
  2. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    Historically. It is. Go ask the Romans. No, you don't. Atheists follow along like sheep just like everyone else. They are influenced by culture, upbringing and environment just like everyone else. They aren't freethinkers no matter what your mythology tells you. Free thinking is a process not...
  3. Absolutely Frank

    God is a Cat: The Divine Indifference Explained by the Ultimate Cosmic Game of Cat and Mouse

    While observing my beloved life-companion Malcolm aka my cat while stoned. I may have stumbled upon the ultimate solution to the problem of evil. What if God is actually a cat? Just think about it for a while. It will all make some sort of sense. This feline deity is indifferent to suffering...
  4. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    I was wrong. I thought it was from The Case of Wagner, it's from The Birth of Tragedy. Here is another quote on aesthetics: As the philosopher relates to the reality of existence, so does the artistic person relate to the reality of dreams; he observes closely and willingly: for from these...
  5. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    I meant fundamentalist as in foundational. I used it to refer to the fundamental belief not you.
  6. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    Let it serve as an instruction to these serious minds that I am convinced of art as the highest task and the truly metaphysical activity of this life - Prelude to Wagner page 13
  7. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    When you add positive claims to your fundamentalist lack of belief, then yes, you have a belief system. If you are not a stamp collector, then don't go around trying to destroy the stamps. Find your own hobby. I am an atheist against Zeus but you don't see me debating the faslehood of Greek...
  8. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    False. Aesthetics and the creative will always trump practical methods, evidence and reason. Aesthetics isn't just some adjunct to knowledge. Aesthetics is the most integral part of knowledge and it requires - no, it demands your attention and personal involvement. Like Nietzsche taught us in...
  9. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    Let me put it in a way you might understand. Atheism isn't just some car sitting neutral in the driveway, it's moving along the freeway with other cars (ideas) and it's trying to rule the road like the rest of them. Atheism, like any other worldview or belief system, is actively participating in...
  10. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    I should have provided quotes as a courtesy but I wanted to present the argument myself instead of relying on direct quotation because you know Zizek (it could have turned into an argument about Star Wars). Let's not remind them of one of their former biggies, Sam Harris. He turned out to be a...
  11. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    Positive not in the sense of being a good but positive in the sense of having qualities rather than not having qualities. If atheism were mere passive n0n-belief then it would lack all qualities but it doesn't.
  12. Absolutely Frank

    Why would God give us psychic powers.And not want us to develop them?

    Maybe because they aren't that important.
  13. Absolutely Frank

    What is God?

    I am panentheistic so God is the teleological nexus of all ontic manifestations. The panentheistic God is an ontologically transcendent and immanently pervasive principle, constituting the ultimate ground of being (Grund) and the ineffable, unmanifest source (Ungrund) from which all phenomena...
  14. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    I am guessing that you and I have a mutual love for epistemology. Am I correct in making this assumption?
  15. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    And you know this how? Time travel?
  16. Absolutely Frank

    Zizek believes atheism is ideological

    Or so they say then they become activists about it.
  17. Absolutely Frank

    Attempting to Censor X in the UK

    Why not? Is it something those concepts and ideas did to them in middle school? Did intersectionality stuff them into a locker or something?
  18. Absolutely Frank

    Is killing inherently "evil"? And vegetarianism.

    Well, it certainly isn't nice.
  19. Absolutely Frank

    Attempting to Censor X in the UK

    What makes these ideas "woke"?