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  1. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    My point was that people like 2pac wrote/write their music without a white audience in mind. Their music may appeal to white people but they wrote their music so black people could actually relate to it. And this is where some white people get confused about why they can't use the word "*****"...
  2. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    I'm saying people of colour have had to struggle more in white dominated fields than people like elvis, or miley when taking music or whatever from other cultures. Black musicians have often through out history been encouraged to market their music to white people and perform for white people...
  3. W

    White Men Can't Jump

    And I wasn't addressing those questions I was addressing where she said I suggest black people could only market to a black audience... I realise that people of colour have had to struggle more to get into white dominated fields then people like elvis or miley have had to struggle to get...
  4. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    I never said she has issues with performing with white dancers like "omg i have dance with a whote person" I'm talking about performances like this which are clearing black African inspired. She definetly appeals her music to black women. 7J1B-RaHQtQ http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7J1B-RaHQtQ
  5. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    But Eminem's did, see what I'm saying? Or only if the video features women basically stripping like what 50 cent did.
  6. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    We know a white person is driving that thing?
  7. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    Yes I did watch the video, what I am saying is white people can use their privilege to take things from other cultures and make them trendy and more acceptable, like the bindi, native american headdresses, rock n roll etc. And make money out of it, by selling it back to white people. I didn't...
  8. W

    White Men Can't Jump

    What has that got to with the OP which says this: "In another thread, it was suggested that "white" entertainers should market to "white" audiences. And "black" entertainers should market to "black" audiences." ??????? That's why I said she misinterpreted what I said. so? Yes white...
  9. W

    White Men Can't Jump

    Did I say white people should only market to other white people? and black people should only market to other black people? No I didn't, what I said has nothing to do with this OP
  10. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    erm yes I know that! What I'm saying is Beyonce definitely has never tried to appeal to mostly white people. I think she has mostly been marketed to other black women from watching her music videos and performances, that's not to say I don't know that she has a lot of white female fans, I know...
  11. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    How does beyonce market herself to a white audience though? I'm not saying she doesn't have a lot of white fans but a lot of her dance moves are taken from African and African Caribbean cultures and she features mostly other black people in her video and in her performances.
  12. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    So basically are you talking about this...Christina Aguilera pretenidng to be a broke working class person again. 6cfCgLgiFDM Christina Aguilera - Your Body - YouTube
  13. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    and I'm not saying white people should be like this and black people should be like that, I'm saying something that was created by people of colour can become more mainstream or popular or "cool" or acceptable, when a white person takes it and uses it. That's what I was saying, I don't know how...
  14. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    Yeah but I don't care about Miley's personal life I'm talking about her performances. Most if not all female celebrates get criticised over anything and everything Of course and like I said she can market "twerking" to white audience and make a lot of money that way.
  15. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    you guys talk funny, with your "plaid" plaid is a fabric, it's tartan for the love of god!!!!!!
  16. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    we don't have hillybillies in the UK we have Irish travellers though.
  17. W

    White Men Can't Jump

    Oh girl you misinterpreted
  18. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    crisps in a sandwich is the one
  19. W

    Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball"

    So it's the name of the beer that's important? got ya