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Search results

  1. KMGC


    I meant peer reviewed papers on THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF GMOS. READ THAT AGAIN. HEALTH EFFECTS OF GMOS. AND THAT CAME UP WITH ONE RESULT AND THEN EMPTY BOLOGNA WITH NO real informative value. Simply discussion papers on social response.
  2. KMGC


    Wayness, Taoness, Truthness. Deceptionless.
  3. KMGC


    By blaming God for something man clearly does by his own free will BY choosing that despite that GMOs are disease causing he will feed them to his pregnant wife or she to herself, you display great ignorance on the subject of God. I ask that you compose a respectful debating response instead of...
  4. KMGC


    Now that you mention it I hadn't searched. BUT, if YOU had you'd never have asked that question, because when I did, only that one result for that one type of GMO was present in the first few pages
  5. KMGC


    Not in my religion. Those are words that they used as well because of the time traveller from the future who knew these terms and brought them back in time. There may be no evidence to you but lets just say there is to me. None of those words or names come from a belief system. They come from...
  6. KMGC


    As I understand so far, you are an atheist who is absolutely lost in egotism and expressing nothing but disrespect and attacking instead of remaining neutral and providing arguments that nullify instead of debasing or harassing me into a defensive position, which I may not be. You argument...
  7. KMGC


    Actually I know read at least one of those articles as I remember having closed it and deciding, logically, to provide multiple links for my argument rather than just two. In fact upon opening the history and going back to that link I see that I opened and read not one but nine articles...
  8. KMGC


    Alrighty then... Things are perfectly aligned because there is a planet of life amid BILLIONS and more planets which apparently have no intelligent life. The odds of our planet residing in perfect proximity to a sun amidst all the other planets out there which DON'T is unlikely if it all...
  9. KMGC


    What I meant was a separate and different species that could POSSIBLY have not evolved into us but solely been wiped out by us "more evolved folk" due to their "lesser" skull structure. (or intelligence) That these bodies were found, no matter the number, does not indicate that they are...
  10. KMGC


    As far as your comment on the bing results. I noticed when I googled Dr. Don Huber that your two response links were both from that search. There's evidence of hypocrisy which I stated you contained - you say not to use search results as evidence. I did not mean ANY papers from GMOs, I meant...
  11. KMGC


    And here is immortal flame expressing typical atheist sarcasm/ immature insults as usual. And before you correct me, I guarantee you I once would have responded that exact way myself. So you are telling me that there is something so inherently wrong with your logic patterns that even though you...
  12. KMGC


    But at the same time, they would not be so popular were there more creationists out there who had morals that weren't derived from Godlessness. I have never heard of Raelians before. Forgive my ignorance .
  13. KMGC


    That is if you presume that the name Christ is from Jesus or Christianity. Which in my religion it is not. This is because a time traveller from the future brings awareness of the name to the past where he possesses many secretly with permissions he received by possessing the true Christ in the...
  14. KMGC


    Sorry I was unclear that I was an atheist who believed in evolution and the big bang and found it hard to believe all along that any atheist doesn't believe in evolution as any atheist I talked to about evolution was pro-evolution. Because of that they may be connected to me in ways they are not...
  15. KMGC


    I am not aware of myself as having lied, or spread ignorance. Showing you knowledge, even when you don't believe, is spreading knowledge, not ignorance of it. As well, unless you know the source, you could not actively claim that anything I have posted is misinformation. And I assure you that in...
  16. KMGC


    It just seems clear that anyone who doesn't believe in God would be more prone to delusions about it being ok to combine DNA of different life forms, and that anyone who believes in evolution would take GMOing as sort of a man-generated evolution, and finally I was an atheist who was taught and...
  17. KMGC


    I am not talking about a God you have heard of, so you'd come to no valid opinion against him except by hearing from me. The religion I follow takes from multiple sources for example it states like Christianity and Taoism that Christ is the way, and that he is the Tao in bipedal male form...
  18. KMGC


    The truth which pierces deception.
  19. KMGC


    Because we have free will and are deceivable by The Devil of my religion, who deceives everyone even himself.
  20. KMGC

    What if all the virgin births of time had one male parent instead of each individually their own.

    At the current time there is no evidence to the naked eye of an anointed individual. But examine the evidence of Michael Jackson's ghost, the strange sounds coming from the planet on fidockave213 and LASTMESSAGES videos on youtube and the rivers stained red as hundreds of thousands of animals...