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  1. KMGC


    And to you, are you aware that the evidence your provide is ridiculous? All true creations of God are simply the latent potential energy of form, one of the many powers of God, imbued with physical potential. You could even say that we only appear to be doing this to our mind's eye, and that it...
  2. KMGC


    It should be pretty obvious what peer reviewed papers I'm talking about, we're talking about GMOs. If Don - and to clarify, his name is DON - Huber is not a toxicology expert who is? No high up scientist in their right mind would accept an offer from a random audience member to examine and...
  3. KMGC


    ...He said, not providing opposing evidence...
  4. KMGC


    Toxicology Expert Speaks Out About Roundup and GMOs I challenge you to find and provide ONE peer-reviewed paper that is tested in it's results by another and post it in this thread. When you find it, please let me know. I really want you to actually, I just don't think it's possible. And it is...
  5. KMGC


    There's a difference between putting vitamins in a plant and putting something designed to kill in them. Cigarettes were put down under certain laws inevitably, and so will GMOs.
  6. KMGC


    Level of support for evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Based on this site Hindus accept a different type of evolution, Two and only two Catholics in upper areas of scientific delusion have accepted that intelligent design is impossible, and the rest of them accept evolution as a...
  7. KMGC


    But evolution is generally only believed in by atheists, so it still does.
  8. KMGC


    You say that now, before the third generation has happened. That is what I was stating should be graspable. If in three generations due to the pesticides in our own bodies we cannot reproduce how will we continue to survive, buddy? Call that laughable? I'm talking about inevitable extinction vs...
  9. KMGC


    I stand corrected.
  10. KMGC


    I slept in today and was out all day, otherwise I'd have answered. Never seen such ridiculous misuse of a thread. You apparently choose to humiliate yourselves by abusing what should be typical policies in a thread. I have chosen not to report that for now. This belongs in evolutionism vs...
  11. KMGC

    INDISPUTABLE Rational Proof That God Exists (Or Existed)

    God could be his own source. For example, you could say that God as the source of existence is above time. That on the mind, he could have spontaneously occurred by being created by his own future into the past - or whatever type of time-frame he exists in... I guess what I'm trying to say is...
  12. KMGC

    What's up with God and death?

    It should be pretty evident that even from an atheist perspective, where the dimension generated itself, there could be parallel dimensions... thusly, no animals have truly gone extinct, as they were preserved in those parallel dimensions.
  13. KMGC

    What's up with God and death?

    The creation we reside in could end and God, residing outside in the primordial sea of formlessness where all potential, potentially even himself, was once born, could easily store our consciousnesses in himself and release us again later.
  14. KMGC

    What's up with God and death?

    Taoism states that all life forms but not the consciousnesses within them are one universal energy created by God, which may in some way be superior to God. I personally don't believe that it is, but you could certainly say that while an unaware consciousness becomes upset when a fellow unaware...
  15. KMGC


    Is it just me or are atheists believing that as all was once one molecule that altered itself "naturally" there is no reason not to combine the DNA of other molecules.
  16. KMGC

    What if all the virgin births of time had one male parent instead of each individually their own.

    As well, my statement by calling that usage of the name God is clear. Your interpretation is actually coming from a more atheist perspective by accepting the title God for all known potential deities (that is, it is not proven that any of them are God by any feat beyond prophecy, all of which...
  17. KMGC

    What if all the virgin births of time had one male parent instead of each individually their own.

    It does not maniplulate those ideas to fit mine at once if time travel FROM THE FUTURE into the past is possible. Were that to happen, to a certain extent the future could compose the past to construct itself. It would be a stable anatomy of time and would definitely allow the truth I present to...
  18. KMGC

    What if all the virgin births of time had one male parent instead of each individually their own.

    Isn't Krishna also meant to have been a virgin birth? It is said he simply "gave birth to himself" though his mother was already married and had had children... perhaps I'm using the wrong term - conceived in the womb without sex in some cases, and in others still, the bearer had the sperm of...
  19. KMGC

    I require aid. NOOOOOW. Also, thanks for having me and the unique religion I'm aware of on the site.

    Thanks for the help, and if you feel like it, check out my avatar and album for a picture of a special someone who may have a naturally occurring toe identical to the ones Adam has in the Sistine Chapel, and another picture which reveals his naturally shadow-black eyes.
  20. KMGC

    What if all the virgin births of time had one male parent instead of each individually their own.

    Ok... no questions after two days. The Sinister Kid would like it if I added that he does not believe that God would in his right mind "give" a person, be it his child or another. And his God does not allow children who are truly The Sinister Kid's to be "given" - by this we make reference to...