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Search results

  1. Deut 13:1

    List of the steps taken by Palestinians toward Peace

    Start listing, cause I can't think of any. Steps taken by Palestinians to achieve peace... 1) Yasser Arafat contracting HIV and dying. 2)
  2. Deut 13:1

    Lebanon's "Act of War"

    This betrays your true feelings on the matter. Anything but a full Israeli withdrawal from the MIDDLE EAST will be Israel making the life of the Palastinian's miserable. Withdrawal from Gaza left them with too little land, withdrawal from West Bank will leave them with bantustans, etc etc etc...
  3. Deut 13:1

    Isaac or Ishmael

    Parshas Vayeira So HaShem said to Avraham, "Be not distressed over the youth or your slavewomam: Whatever Sarah tells you, heed her voice, since through Isaac will offspring be considered yours".
  4. Deut 13:1

    Is evolution evidence for God?

    Is the bible evidence for G-d?
  5. Deut 13:1

    Homosexuality on the bible?

    Taken from here. Forbidden Sexual Relations Not to indulge in familiarities with relatives, such as kissing, embracing, winking, skipping, which may lead to incest (Lev. 18:6) (CCN110). Not to commit incest with one's mother (Lev. 18:7) (CCN112). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate...
  6. Deut 13:1

    Orthodox Questions...

    first of all, we try and follow all the rules and scriptures, but we're not perfect, nor do we claim to be. second, no where does it say to stone your kid if they misbehave. Look it up and we can talk about what it does infact say. third, HaShem tells us to do animal sacrifices only where He...
  7. Deut 13:1

    What are the Differences

    What is reform Judaism? www.jr.org What is a reconstructionalist Jew? www.jrf.org Reading their website is a good place to start. If you need more help then that, you can click on the, "What is a reform Jew" section or the "Is Reconstructionist Judaism For You?". Once you've read about both...
  8. Deut 13:1

    Transmigration of Souls

    I was reading along this very *unique* website and came across this. [/FONT] How does striving to create communities with gay's, lesbian's, and single life-paths go along with the Torah? Or does this exciting new branch of Judaism ignore the Torah? If so, why call it Judaism?
  9. Deut 13:1

    Transmigration of Souls

    So what do you propose? :areyoucra You want to start a new religion? Fine - don't associate it with Judaism.
  10. Deut 13:1

    Transmigration of Souls

    What you're referring to is gilgul ha'ne'shamot or in english the recycling of souls. I don't know a ton about what your understanding of reincarnation is so it's difficult for me to say how it's alive and different. One thing I know is that It's different then the idea of reincarnation...
  11. Deut 13:1

    Shabbat Shalom

    Good Shabbas Everyone.
  12. Deut 13:1

    An online Jewish community?

    Good luck with your adventure...
  13. Deut 13:1

    An online Jewish community?

    While it might be good in theory, I don't think anyone here, including myself is educated enough in Talmud to really discuss this as an authoritative source. Besides, if you check my stickied thread, you'll find plenty of links where you will find people much more educated then ourselves.
  14. Deut 13:1

    Orthodox Judaism

    What would you like to know? G-d. Why is the burden shifted to the Jews to disprove your claim. To answer you: Yes, but unfortunetly disproving Mr. J's follower's claims isn't on my to-do-list. I have more important things to be working on.
  15. Deut 13:1

    Does the bible contain false doctrine?

    The bible isn't a single book, but a collection of different books, so you need to go into more detail.. Does the book of Mark contain false doctrine? Yes, I believe so, does Deuteronomy? no. State which books you want to chat about.
  16. Deut 13:1

    What do you want to know about LDS beliefs?

    I don't know if this has been asked yet, but what happens when there are differences in events between book of mormon and the TNK. Which is given more validity?? ANd is mormonism more of a personal thing or group led?
  17. Deut 13:1

    for Jews as for Christians

    Have you read the ten commandments before...? Do you even know what HaShem means in English?
  18. Deut 13:1

    jewscout reaches the 30k Frubal barrier!!

    shalom, mazol tav!
  19. Deut 13:1

    I'm leaving :)

    I'll be in Israel for the next 10 days if you're wondering where I dissapear from on the forum. I hope everyone has a great 2 weeks.
  20. Deut 13:1

    Shabbat Shalom

    Good Shabbas!!!