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  1. tonemonkey

    Do You Favor Belief Over Knowledge and Curiosity?

    The truth is, you don't have to just have faith or knowledge - you can have both. It's a fallacy to say that faith denies scientific knowledge or facts. Take the origin of life, for example. Life either came about through naturalistic means or supernatural means. I'm reading a book called...
  2. tonemonkey

    Are people who claim to know God liars?

    I'd have to agree. There are many stories in the OT of people having contact from God in dreams and spoken voice. Moses not only encountered Him in the burning bush but also on the top of Mount Sinai. If I'm wrong, as a Christian, I haven't lost out on anything in life worth having. If I'm...
  3. tonemonkey

    Are people who claim to know God liars?

    I wouldn't say that they are lying, but they are incorrect. Where they might be in conflict is if they claim that Jesus was a good moral teacher and a prophet, and also that he wasn't the Son of God. Jesus both claimed to be the Son of God and claimed to be God. If he wasn't/isn't either of...
  4. tonemonkey

    Are people who claim to know God liars?

    Well, I've been commissioned to share the Gospel of Christ with others by Jesus Himself. I wouldn't do that in an arrogant, I know better than you sort of way. I wouldn't tell somebody who believes differently that they are a liar, because again that presumes that they know what they believe...
  5. tonemonkey

    Are people who claim to know God liars?

    I'm glad to read the last sentence in your post that you don't plan on going around calling believers liars. That implies that a] it's a fact that we can't know God, b] they know it's a fact, and c] that they are knowingly spreading falsehoods. You are questioning believer's knowledge of God...
  6. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    Totally don't get me wrong, we're supposed to enjoy our lives! Song of Solomon is all about enjoying your wife and sex! If a Christian only thinks about eternity and doesn't live the best life they can here on Earth then they're missing out on the Earthly gifts God has given us. If anything...
  7. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    Which would be morally better - choosing to work on a farm or being forced to work on a farm? One is voluntary exchange of labor for something, and the other is involuntary extraction of labor. I think the thing to understand about the Bible is that it's not a handbook on how to make life on...
  8. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    As to taking the Bible literally or not, sometimes it's important to find out what the word in the original language was. When it says "slave" in the NT the Greek word refers to indentured servitude. This would have been a voluntary agreement with a contract and a set time. It doesn't refer...
  9. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    I don't know you, but from your response here you don't seem like somebody who is interested in learning new things. If I'm wrong, you might want to respond differently to things.
  10. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    I know that there are those in history (and today) that misunderstand what the NT refers to as "slave" and have used that to justify forced slavery and selling of people. That's not at all what the NT is referring to.
  11. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    If you see the word "slave" and it only can mean one thing to you, then you'll disagree. Paul said he was a slave to Christ - obviously he meant that he had given himself to Christ, not that Christ had captured him by force against his will.
  12. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    I'm not justifying slavery at all! At that time there were people who would sell their own freedom for a time period. That's not the same as forced slavery at all. There were rules and regulations for it. But, you can see it how you like. Honestly, I could explain it and you might still...
  13. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    Again, the Greek word used for slavery implies indentured servitude not forced slavery. It's important to understand what the source language means for certain things.
  14. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    Agreed. People will choose OT stuff and apply it to themselves. Paul spoke of altering our behavior around some people because they had decided certain things were sinful. A person might consider eating meat a sin so Paul said not to eat meat around them so that person might not stumble...
  15. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    That was just for the Jews and only until Jesus came. Again, trying to create a holy people - not extended beyond the time that Jesus came and not to other believers than the Jews.
  16. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    When you're looking at the Bible It's really important to look at when each verse or verses you're talking about was said in the history of the Jews. If you're talking about Old Testament rules and regulations then you're seeing things that were said to a particular people for a particular...
  17. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    Nope, not true. But you can believe that if it makes you feel better. :)
  18. tonemonkey

    For Abrahamic Religions

    Nope. If you're talking about the Bible then every verse has a context. People like to pick a verse out of context and build a belief around it, when in the context of the whole passage, and the broader context of Scripture that verse doesn't mean what they want it to mean. Many evils have...
  19. tonemonkey

    Is it possible to please God without reading scripture?

    They actually didn't get an exemption - that's the really cool part! If you read the book of Hebrews you see that Abraham believed without seeing, he was credited as righteous. He believed God at His word. Job (who lived before Abraham) also was considered by God to be the most righteous man...