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Search results

  1. applewuud

    New Unity in London: More UU congregations should have a site like this

    I just came across a Facebook posting by the minister of a Unitarian/Unity church in London offering consulting to other Unitarian congregations in Britain. It's called New Unity; here's a quote from the first page of the site: "What began as a space for nonconformist belief has blossomed into...
  2. applewuud

    Just Another Ex-Unitarian

    It is difficult being part of a spiritual community, and supporting an institution, and dealing with conflicts. But working through that difficulty can lead to real spiritual growth. I'm not sure a purely personal spirituality changes anything except our own feelings, and even that I think may...
  3. applewuud

    Looking for UU history...

    Wow, I'm glad you asked about this...the first video on that site is well worth watching for anyone wondering about the differences between Universalism and Unitarianism, where they came from, what they believed, and their cultural settings. Also available on YouTube at .
  4. applewuud

    Looking for UU history...

    The best source I'm aware of is the "The Unitarians and the Universalists" by John Robinson. Unfortunately, from what I've seen, there is very little history of individual church breakups. The controversies are handled with only a few sentences in local newspapers or records; since dissension...
  5. applewuud

    Do You Think I'm Going to Hell?

    Umm, I don't get it…from the rest of your posts, it sounds like you're dabbling in religion in a major way. But to the question of your OP, no. Infinite punishment for finite sins is incompatible with a just creator of the universe. So is the idea of long-delayed punishment upon beings who...
  6. applewuud

    I have an idea....

    New England is the hotbed of religious freedom, something relatively new in human history. Let's hope it stays that way.
  7. applewuud

    Solitary UU

    You're welcome. I hope you find something valuable in your search.
  8. applewuud

    I have an idea....

    UU and UCC are both descended in America from the Pilgrims and Puritans. A UU minister once said that the pilgrims were seekers looking for a new religion, and to that extent became Unitarians. In most of New England, there are two churches on the common, a UCC and a UU: the Congregationalists...
  9. applewuud

    Solitary UU

    The main "practice" in Unitarian-Universalism, unfortunately for you, is the discipline of being part of a congregation--volunteering, helping out, doing social justice advocacy, dealing with the wide variety of viewpoints you're likely to encounter. It's a very this-world focused faith. CLF...
  10. applewuud

    How come there's not more UUs?

    Theologically, a Universalist believes in the eventual salvation of all human beings, and that there is no such thing as eternal damnation: an infinite punishment for finite sins is illogical if God is good and just, as the Gospels say God is. This was revolutionary thinking in the 18th...
  11. applewuud

    A Religion's Death

    Well, I don't know what to say to this whole thread except...whaaa? Unitarian-Universalism hasn't been growing by 15%, at least not country-wide...we've held steadier than most "mainline" churches, but there has been a slight decline recently. As most of the posters say, it isn't so much about...
  12. applewuud

    The Seven Sources

    I would say the source I identify most with is: Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit; --because there aren't many other religions that would even include this.
  13. applewuud

    Did the UUA push humanists out?

    I'm reading a book by Michael Werner, "Regaining Balance", published by Religious Humanists press. In it, he makes the case that "Humanism was deliberately and purposely pushed out of the Unitarian-Universalist Association", and that its traditional focus on reason in religion has been replaced...
  14. applewuud

    "Problem and Promise of Universal Love" video

    If you're interested in delving into the history and possibilities of Universalism, there's a YouTube video you should check out: Problem and Promise of Infinite Love - YouTube This is an hour-long presentation by Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley, it was the 2014 John Murray Distinguished Lecture at...
  15. applewuud

    General Assembly in Providence

    I'm ending a 2-day visit to GA by attending the Service of the Living Tradition, one of the most moving evenings. It should be live streaming NOW on uua.org. Check it out.
  16. applewuud

    Science does what God(s) cannot.

    Or, God does its/her/his work through science and human beings. Or, God places the desire to help people in human hearts. A belief in the forces that create and uphold life isn't dependent upon a belief in miracles. :facepalm:
  17. applewuud

    UUs at Easter: Are We Christian, too?

    Again--just the last six minutes of the video are enough. If you don't have any time for the video, that's OK, your thoughts about Easter from a UU perspective would still be appreciated. :help:
  18. applewuud

    UUs at Easter: Are We Christian, too?

    Well, we're coming up on Easter. Most UUs I know see Easter in an allegorical light, with earth-centered UUs seeing it in light of returning spring, Jewish UUs seeing it as a time of cleaning up our act and rededicating ourselves, and UU Christians as a commemoration of an inner spiritual...
  19. applewuud

    What do you think of the new UUA logo?

    Quintessence's critique of the color red is interesting, I hadn't even thought of the color (and am not sure the logo wouldn't usually be in black, anyway). But an earthy green would have been nicer. Or purple. As I've said in other threads...
  20. applewuud

    What do you think of the new UUA logo?

    In the latest UU World, they unveiled a new logo for the UUA: Announcement: The UUA Brand Story - UUA (sorry, there doesn't seem to be a URL of just the logo) What do you think? I'm glad to see the "U" in there...