Voted other though I am a Christian, I do not believe 12-21-2012 is going to be anymore of a significant day than 1-1-2000 was. Yes, the Mayans did not publish their calendar past this date but who knows why. Just as why is there only one or two more spots for Pope pictures in the Vatican...
As I was raised in the Church of Christ I naturally voted Christian. through my college reading I have had contact with many of the Eastern religions.
Currently reading and building my faith through some personal trials. :foot:
UnityNow101, reading through the post I did not see your favorite...
After near 30 years of nursing I am now trying to pickup my religious studies, through my years of health-care experience there is no oxymoron in religious studies. We must learn to respect each belief and the persons within these beliefs. Radical functions of all religions are open to the law...