I am a pro-life liberal because selfish mother use it to kill and butcher children with Down's Syndrome. It is enough to make you vomit copious amounts of reddish vomit. Quite a lot like the blood they like to bathe in .
I must thank all of you for paying for my Social Security. Keep on working and work harder so I can live my wonderful, rich life. LOL !! Just kidding. What I want to talk about is America's war on the poor.
Let me say personally that it sucks. You wonder why their is robbery? You wonder why...
I suppose there is a rational explanation.
The thing I can't understand is WHY you feel the need to grow up at all. As an Adult Baby, I would gladly trade in everything I have now for five or fifteen minutes of being a two year old. Of course, that is my fantasy and has no bearings on...
I consider myself an agnostic. That said, I often wonder if or if not their is a God. One of the things that confuses me in this matter is that the Bibnle has many seemingly contradictory teachings. An example of this is the Old Testaments command to kill murderers. Yet in the New Testament...
Recently, I have been observing Isis. I have seen them mercilessly kill the old, the young, Shiite Muslims, Christians and others that are different than their Sunni Muslim faith. I have observed their insane, mad rush through Iraq and was left with an agonized word in mind' WHY ?!?
For what...