Well what you say has some merit.
But the God of the Bible is the only God and that is easily proven to be true.
And what the Bible says is crystal clear.
if you believe the gospel of Christ then you will be saved.
Then you can preach the gospel of Christ to many including those that you know and love.
When you read Genesis 1, do you believe that God created all things in the 6 days as it describes?
And when is says that Satan deceives the whole world, do you not understand that if someone does not believe in Jesus Christ, they are deceived?
And the great dragon was cast out, that old...
The unsaved cannot understand the word of God and the gospel of Christ.
So if you believe the gospel of,Christ which is preached by many, you would get saved.
And then you would understand the word of God
Yet the Bible says it hangs on nothing.
So, you have a bad interpretation of those verses.
The earth does not move from is prescribed path determined by the law of gravity.
And the verse from Ecclesiastics uses Poetic language. It is in the part of the Bible called poetry.
The foundation of the...