That is funny.
Like the fossils have dates stamped on them too.
Like March 23, 123,456,723 BC 6 pm
That shows all those exact dates that they keep publishing.
Not sure what day of the week though
Here is the definition and click on the Thesaurus tab for the synonym, which is sky.
the earth moves through its orbit according to the laws of gravity. So it does not move from that path,
And the Bible says that the earth hangs on...
There is no word dome in the Bible.
And the earth moves through its orbit according to the laws of gravity. So it does not move from that path,
And the Bible says that the earth hangs on nothing.
Your pagan forebears thought a turtle or Atlas held it up
And you do not understand the word of God and the gospel of Christ.
And your post show that clearly.
6 day creation by God Almighty about 6000 years ago with out evolution is real science and the truth.
A worldwide flood about 4500 years ago is real science and the truth.
Evolution and billions...
It is the definition that counts.
However every object in space is held to the law of gravity.
So they are firmly held in their 3 dimensional paths.
Are you trying to prove the Bible true?
If so, you are doing a good job.
Your pagan forebears thought the earth rested on a turtle or was held up...
Of course it means sky Which is a synonym of firmament.
Of course Satan led 1/3 of the angels to rebel.
For the flood, the mountains were much lower, most of the extra water came from below the oceans when the plates broke.
And to drain all the flood waters, the mountains were raised and the...
Advanced scientific knowledge in the Bible
The Bible describes the flood. – Gen 6-8
The Bible describes the 6-day recent creation. – Gen 1
The Bible describes the Law of entropy. – Hebrews 1:10-11
The Bible describes the great heat needed to dissolve the universe. – 2 Pet 3
The Bible...
#9 poetic language.
#10 poetic language
#11 The earth does not move from its orbit, it continues in the path the laws of gravity require.
#12 see #10
#13 the core, mantle are the foundations of the earth. In this case its surface. Remember the earth hangs on nothing is in the Bible.
#14 see #13...
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. - 2 Tim 3:16-17