I used to feel the way you do, then I realized it's not a blind belief. The scripture is prescient utterly through prophecy and contains many scientific accuracies, also, Gematria/Bible codes show its divine/super nature.
The math on how biological mechanisms would evolve people from other apes is not in any way convincing--because besides the odds of genes passed by birth, countless biological and environmental factors have to be overcome.
The math on how biological mechanisms would evolve people from other apes is not in any way convincing--because besides the odds of genes passed by birth, countless biological and environmental factors have to be overcome.
No, wishful thinking is blind faith.
Biblical faith is trust based on evidence.
I study for an yet unseen test, you don't, we both think we'll do well, you have wishful thinking, I have evidence that indicates I'll perform well on the test.
If I study for a test I've not yet seen, I have more evidence I'll do better on the test that if I don't study.
Biblical faith is trust based on current evidence for something not yet seen/future. Just like studying for a test.
In this case, there is no curve on the test! Pass/fail...
And I hope you will find a church that rejects Apocrypha, for these other books:
1) Aren't accepted by the Jewish people
2) Aren't accepted by 99.99% of church sects
3) Do not say, as the Bible says over 6,000 times in the OT alone, "This is the Word of God!", indeed, they often say things...
Jesus's sacrifice was for all sin, including future, for which I offer Him praise.
I do understand Torah--it was another re-reading of Torah that caused me to seek the salvation that I found.
I do agree with you--human blood cannot atone for sin.
I want to avoid a lengthy argument but things tend toward disorder, not random occurences that cause the correct 40 out of 200 proteins or randomnly solve the issue of chirality, etc.
The early church believed in inerrancy as men of God quoted the entire NT in their 1st and 2nd century correspondence!
Before the early church, the ancient Israelites and the NT writers believed in inerrancy--since their main case that Jesus is sacrifice and Lord is from hundreds of scriptural...
You don't live by Torah, since you do not sacrifice at the Jerusalem Temple, and then alter plain meanings of Tanakh to excuse this disobedience.
Of course, if Temple sacrifices could pay for sin, they would not have needed to be endlessly repeated--they are a temporary covering and a picture...
I share features with apes, and features with some marsupials, and some bacteria. I am also a sentient person.
I am cognizant of the biology and already showed you, quote, "[Other apes of your choice, say, chimpanzees] and people have millions of genetic differences, which speaks against the...
Thank you! Therefore, I'll redact to "chimpanzees and people have millions of genetic differences, which speaks against the given numbers for genetic mutations being favorable, genetic drift and etc."
It may be too much to ask, but I'd ask you to read the Israel prophecies, it's clear you never have. They are specific, measurable, timed--and provable, for those fulfilled in modernity circa 1948 AD.
Ah but we both have a clue--FACT, most of what you're claiming as proof of evolution is reduction of information, not addition of new information, FACT, most genetic mutations are harmful, not helpful.