Wrong again. That's the enormous dishonesty of theists' apologetics. Trying to find irrelevant sayings, even poems like Psalm 109 which simply refers to people speaking words of hate and deceit and convert them to prophecies. David was not a prophet.
So, if I give back the money I got from a bank, they will buy a house for me... Brilliant thinking! How come nobody thought about it before? :laughing:
Is this a site only for those who want to believe? From what I gather from the poll (on the top of the page) 72% of the people writting, are either atheists or agnostics.
To make someone believe you and other theists must provide sufficient and valid arguments. Unfortunately you fail...
Your brain can take the decisions for you up to 10 seconds before you are even conscious of you decision, and that's a fact.
Supernatural can not be disproved, in the same way that you can not disprove that Russell's teapot is in orbit. However James Randi had offered one million dollars for...
Functional and clinical neuroanatomy of morality
How does morality work in the brain? A functional and structural perspective of moral behavior
As I said I think we are off topic. So please either tell us what your end point is, or open a new thread in philosophy. Thank you.
It's a man made word describing repeatability and as all thoughts and words, originates from physical elements, i.e. the brain.
There is nothing supernatural or non physical in humans.
But I think we are way off topic.
We now known a lot of things that the primitive writers of the Bible never thought we would know.The Bible was written in about 600 BCE, the Exodus never happened, nor any sticks ever turned to snakes. And talking of the Exodus, it was God who didn't allow Pharaoh to"free the Israelites", by...
No, that's not true. I used your God's saying and what Christians believe that God is (omniscient).
This is what your "inerrant" Bible says...Are you ready?
Genesis 6:6-7 "And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. 7 So the Lord said, “I will...
Much more.... Copying and pasting from a silly apologetic site (Before Creation There Was... Water?) is hardly enough.
I suppose you understand what you wrote, right? That in the chaos, before any creation had taken place, before even light or the earth had taken shape, there were waters! We...
They can not communicate with God either. They say that If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.
Certainly far less than your God, when he killed all humans, including animals and plants for no reason whatsoever in the supposed flood, just because he...
You are confusing....Please define what you mean by spirit and what by mind.
Mind you I agree that everybody has the right to have their own beliefs, whether they are right or wrong, but belief is not knowledge.
The error is that god declared killing/murder an abomination, but he killed/murdered far more than two million people, because for example he changed his mind for creating people before the flood, despite being him who created them in this way and despite being presented as omniscient.
No, it's not that simple.. Accepting slavery and giving instructions that people can treat them as property and beat them up is the error.
So you mean that we as humans can not have a moral judgement about God? In fact you say that people should throw out of window their morality and follow God...