So, if I said for you to “take a hike”, you could be the one to argue what I meant by that or do you ask the person who said it?
He is my Dad after all who is the Author of the Bible not yours.
Yeah, we actually believe God, receive His promises, blessings and eternal life. Walk and live in the Spirit.
I would say when looking at the splendor and majesty of God and the reality of the awesome creation He entrusted to us here that we live in, not sure how you come up with believers...
That is exactly the case, by what people communicate about the Bible who “claim” they read and studied it prove by their comments that they don’t understand and walking in the dark.
That’s not what faith is, you don’t even know.
That is what kind of faith atheists and other beliefs have that reject the only true God and Savior Jesus Christ, who came to the earth, performed miracles, died and rose from the dead. He has been active since Creation, has written what is to come...
Well, when you take an allegorical view of the Bible, you can make up whatever you want to as far as meaning and application.
The Literal view encompasses all aspects of language, figures of speech, parables, imagery to interpret the meaning of what the Author is communicating.
Your comment is...
Because we don’t need experiments to prove God exists. He does, whether a person trusts and submits to God are one thing and if you don’t you’ll waste your life trying to prove stuff like evolution and natural selection or other nonsense and never will.
Just another fact: You don’t know what the Bible is about, if you believe what you wrote I would say you’ve never understood the Bible and possibly never read it all the way through from beginning to end. It is the accurate story of Creation and God’s relationship and redemption of mankind, the...
For sure there is a lot unanswered, Isaiah 45 is great and also the end of Job where God starts asking Job where were you when I did these things, go ahead and explain! No we don’t design everything, God has designed creation to work like it does, even how a baby is formed in the womb and I’ve...
Nothing to do with what I said, The Bible is the account of Creation, the story of God and his relationship with His Creation from beginning to the end with Revelation. He told us ahead of time what was going to happen. We see those things happening right now. No one can stop what God said was...
There’s billions of people living at the moment to verify that what the Bible says about Creation is in fact just like the world we are living in, not just science but archeology, genealogical records, history, prophecy and just plain observation.
First natural selection rules out all intervention and they admit tiny forces can tear them apart. How about you leave what you created in the experiment in the fish bowl and see how well it does. I mean this is even a tremendous advantage to the atmosphere from the scenario evolutionists are...
Of course because that’s what you said about science…doesn’t prove anything so we are in agreement. Meaningless and incoherent, that’s the science of evolution and natural process.
I’m glad you cited this because the scientists aren the intelligent design behind the experiment and put this all together which rules out natural selection. Next, where is the life form and was it sustainable even in a lab from then until today? Where is the current stage of the life form...
Lol brother! They have no idea what the earth was billions of years ago and all speculation and maybe’s.
Now, researchers say they may have solved these paradoxes. Chemists report today that a pair of simple compounds, which would have been abundant on early Earth, can give rise to a network of...