I was introduced to it through my interest in the martial arts. I read and did a world history project on Taisen Deshimuru's The Zen Way to the Martial Arts. I found myself reading (and still really enjoy) Alan Watts. Like others, I started practicing zazen meditation, and find Zen and...
There was this as well:
"...the former president was recognizing Miriam Adelson in the audience who he awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom during his time in office. As he described the medal as the civilian version of the Medal of Honor, he went on to opine that the Medal of Freedom was...
Do you have a source for that. According to my sources:
"President Trump on Thursday abruptly canceled his planned meeting with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, citing the unresolved naval standoff between Russia and Ukraine and upending his hopes of further cementing the relationship...
"The Kerch Strait incident was an international incident that occurred on 25 November 2018 in the Kerch Strait, during which the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) coast guard fired upon and captured three Ukrainian Navy vessels after...
It also doesn't necessarily mean they do approve of it. It's like saying that pro-Israeli people who say they don't approve of genocidal intentions against Palestinians may actually approve of the idea. They also truly may not.
That may not matter. Even if all of them were terrorists, which...
Something else to consider: "Feast of the Gods" motifs weren't exclusive to Leonardo da Vinci and Christian mythology.
If they did mean for some resemblance to the Last Supper, I think it does a good job of doing something that should be a main tenet of Christianity: Showing that all are welcome at Christ's table.
They are welcome at Dionysius' table.
Io Evohe!
And it seems that inclusion is a value...
Humans are so weird in that we are planners and storytellers who both prepare for the future and like to hold on to the past, but I think our sense of time gets screwed by our inability to conceptualize large numbers in relation to ourselves. We're very anthropocentric in that even in science...