Science is so much more simple... It says whatever it has to say to get the money, but anyway..,
I'm not an opponent of the idea the climate changes as that's rather obvious. But, as far as why it changes and whether all of those changes are negative it's rather presumptuous. Deserts...
Big oil is naturally pro-"their own business" like anyone else. That's despite the point... Historically, we've been warmer and cooler, but we're gonna be a lot warmer with stronger storms because we've just come off a solar maximum.
My problem with 'climate change' science is it arbitrarily...
Peer reviewed for idiots, by idiots...
It's your facts. You're entitled to your belief in the climate change apocalypse, please excuse me while I finish my popcorn.
If you're talking about an 80's or 90's idea of Democrat, yes. The modern incarnation with the climate change nonsense and the critical race theory? Pass.
They have goals? News, to me.
Anyway, in disposition I see nothing different from them than any other extremist zealot-ized by social media rabbit holes. They are crazy, just as crazy as the white power freaks and the fundamentalist Christians. We should do none of what they want for the same...
Not really... Just another case of the left sniffing it's own farts and thinking they're standing in a field of daisies.
Currently, Republicans are playing their cards close to their chest because there is absolutely no reason to actively engage when Democratic-sympathizers are strangling...
None of the above. For the large part society sets the rules of reality, and those rules were set before any of us got here. They slowly drift on a general basis, but certainly the youngest generation has absolutely no say of it until they themselves become parents. In the past, the morality...
I'm kind of hit or miss on that, but I guess I go to a few facts. The infection was known to China for a long time (of that much we are certain) before they either came out with it or did anything to curtail it. That's certainly their fault with no other explanation. Is the bug their fault...
It's not Trump's war on China. China has been at war with the entire planet economically, period. The whole planet outside of China, not just because Trump was on point or whatever. Anyone that thinks otherwise is just dumb... Really dumb, and should be disregarded. It doesn't matter if it hurts...
China is a complete douche-nozzle country and we don't need anything to do with them. That's really the end of that. There are a list of reasons about two-miles long for that line of reasoning, and I'll spare you. The short of it is there is no, "We wanna do well, and we want that for you as...
I rather that our criteria for actors and actresses simply be who does it best - that's what I pay for, lol.
As far as I am concerned, that ended in the 90s -- films are in a serious slump, and the mediocre films even from that time are better than the best ones out there now.
Maybe, just maybe, they should focus on making films that aren't complete crap. Because, I'm not seeing any of this woke garbage anyway. But, people need reasons:
1) Themes that are over-represented on the screen. LGBTQ is 5% of the population, and unless the story is specifically about them...
But, nearly always... in the place of either admiring these 'appropriations' or whatever.
This is what you get when people think enforcing their idea of wrong-think is OK - life gets boring. Can't make this music, that costume, this movie, that art, or write that book, etc. I think people would...
To some extent, to proof the existence of God requires an existence proof that refutes him being a God. Thus, conceptually God may never be provable by any normal means. But, that's OK. :D
Anyway, to some extent I don't feel it matters if one feels something then it's real for you and you work...
They're just worried that you'll get a peek at the man behind the curtain, but anyway... There are so many paths to explore why settle for one. Do what you think is right, because it probably is.