As your Dark Lord, some perquisites with the job come. To play little practical jokes I enjoy, such as statements for Bumble'n Biden I compose, & have him perform.
I was by the character Tobias Funke's inadvertent homoerotic innuendos on Arrested Development (a truly evil show) inspired. Of...
Mortal women now for themselves stand up?
Of Spartacus this reminds me, so perhaps some hope for you there is.
I hate hope!
Booowhahahahhahahhahh hahahahahahhahahahaha hahahhahhahahahahhahah, etc!
MeMyself the shops of pedicurists frequented, until enough toe nails saved up were, & then a leisure suit of them he made.
And later, the mohdlim he began to visit.....but another story that is.