THERE IS NO SUPERNATURAL which is a concept created in western culture during the invented separation of man from nature. Most cultures do not even have a word like nature because there is no separation between them and the rest of the world!
Here is your error. The Iliad and the Odessey just like the New Testament were not historical documents. They may contain facts but to treat them as historical is to completely misunderstand them. They are representations of truth within the context of a religion. Treating them as truth of...
There are many things in this world that cannot be (at least at this time) explained by science. You may call them miracles if that brings some peace to yourself. My comment was about recognizing the true value of myths and not forcing them into factual explanations. Jesus walking on water is...
Actually the bible is a book of myths. It's myths are the truths to its followers in creating relationship to the divine. When you use these myths as absolute facts directly applied to our world then you have completely misunderstood the myths indicating you do not know the meaning that the...
When trump was president is listened to his first state of the union. I thought I was watching a Saturday night skit only more funny. All of his speeches which are not teleprompt do not make sense but people I know who like trump tell me what they heard as if it was an entirely different speech...
In Celtic tradition the body is within the soul rather than the reverse and in a way seen as a field that permeates us but also extends beyond and relates with the world around. It is associated with the spirit which is the outward projection to the soul of another. Spirit relates to breath...
Another clear piece of evidence that we are all made from the same creative force of evolution. Although I do not have any archaeopteryx on my bird feeder I do have some blue jays that use their voices and arms quite clearly to let me know what they think of me and I understand them better than...
Mystery refers to those things that are so difficulty to understand that which usually remain unknown, a hidden meaning not obvious when casually seen. Therefor mystery has secrecy as an aspect that its meaning is not easily evident but this is just an aspect of mystery.
The mystical journey is both inward and outward. It is the recognition of the paradox of the self as separate and the inclusion within the world that is not separate. When I met the goddess my soul went beyond my body into the spirit of the goddess so both inward and outward at the same time...
I actually agree with you from a pagan polytheistic view. The reason is seen as a return is based on a Christian monotheistic rationalist society. Polytheistic cultures are always adding and blending new aspects into the culture. In the case of early Europe most polytheists could accept an new...
The Dao de jing does talk about the great mother as giving birth to the Dao. Medieval Christians created mother nature as a goddess on earth ruled from above by god. The sovereignty of Ireland is determined by the goddess. Many traditions place earth with the goddess although Egyptian mythology...
In the pagan movement there was an intention to bring the feminine back into religion with the goddess initially as a balance to the god but most of the early descriptions had a slight favoring the goddess. This was followed by a goddess only by many and removed the god as important. I...
Who exactly is on this list?
Both sides have serious problems. Biden should have stepped down and the democrats should have allowed others to challenge him from the beginning of this campaign. Republicans are supporting a candidate with reckless speeches, erratic behavior, clear attempts of...
Except it reelected the concerns about the judgment but the supreme court by one of the dissenting judges. Not towards Biden but towards any president in the present of future. The ruling seemed politically motivated to protect Trump from prosecution but it gives too much protection to any...
So if a president, lets say Biden for instance, sees an opponent as a clear and present danger to the democracy, lets say Trump just for an example, Would Biden acting in his role as a president seeing an opponent as the threat to the country and has him taken out, would he then be immune...