Most countries around the world have military parades, I never understood why we don't. Category:Military parades by country - Wikimedia Commons
I think it's a grand idea and should coincide with an important date, like July 4.
Actually the couple brought this matter to the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. After the department sided with the homosexual couple, the baker sued the department.
I agree with this. Rather than having the government coerce people to participate in something that goes against their morals, let their actions speak for themselves. The free market will deliver any consequences for their decisions to them directly.
Christianity like every other religion does not have a singularity of beliefs. There is wide variability of beliefs between Christians. IMO, the Christians that worship jesus are definitely polytheistic. Some Christians have up to 5 gods in their pantheon: god, jesus, mary, holy spirit, and satan.
I can't find it online. But I did find a CNBC survey that polled 514 millionaires. Millionaires survey: Go ahead, tax us more!
So do you believe that it is impossible for anyone to become a millionaire by working at it?
Rosends has been been asking for classical Judaism sources backing up your definition for over a dozen posts so far and you have not provided it. It's past time to present some proof of your definition from classical Judaism sources.
So you've got a quiz that you made up which enables you to call anyone to provide answers that only you've come up with, ignorant (i.e. thick). Quite a tool you've got there or maybe you just are one.
In my opinion.
Dave Ramsey recently completed a survey of 10,000 millionaires. He found that 94% were 1st generation millionaires, meaning they EARNED their own money. Only 6% of the millionaires surveyed inherited their wealth.
I can think of two major reasons
1) They think that those that don't have their beliefs are at risk and want to help them.
2) It bolsters their faith the more they can get others to agree with them.
Love is a basic quality needed by all. Every person needs to feel loved by family, friends and, one's spouse. Love itself is an intangible quality. It's not what the other person does for you; it's the sentiment which is behind the act and the reason for it. It’s the life behind the...
That happened to me, too. I never really believed in G-d and classed myself as an atheist. When I found G-d later on, I was told by an atheist that I was never a TRUE atheist.
We are a type of animal. We share the characteristics of consuming food for digestion, the power of voluntary motion, breathing oxygen in the respiration process, and so forth. However we are distinguished from the rest of the animals because we have a soul (a non-physical Divine Spark from G-d).
Not politicians, but dealing with the rules of ethics. This was poor decisions on her part. The Conflict of Interest rules can be very tricky. She should have known to disclose her financial holdings from the start and have her financial planner involved in it all.
I found it funny since I could take @Daemon Sophic 's post , flip it around, and make it about Democrats instead. Such as "Ironically, this is why I tend to vote for Republican candidates. The more left-wing/Liberal/Democratic party wants everyone to be controlled by government, enforced...