The heartbeat of a position, I will suggest, is part of the way our brain processes' information. In our inquiries are answers to them, and due to how little we know of life and how it genuinely operates and functions, apart from what we've experienced and acknowledged as living souls, remains...
I doubt any definition for "God" will ever be valid enough to satisfy some people. I'm a panentheist, so if you want a definition as it relates to my understanding and how the experiential knowing of objective and subjective reality relates to the term itself, I will lead you to that...
A. Beginning
Z. End
A. Life
Z. Death
A. First breath
Z. Last breath
Hey, thanks, for the Omega, Alpha ... I'm somewhere in-between at the moment. I'll get there when I have no fight (resolve/will) left in me to effort myself to discipline and development training.
It's like working out and...
It's the circular nature of the discourse that negates the stance of something abundantly evident in life. Do I wish to know God? I already know God. I likewise understand the minute nature of my knowing. For stability purposes, the grounding of electrical current and activity, I prefer to...
The 1st amendment is an idealistic luxury given to those of us who don't have the money or power to make political change. It is offered to Americans, but how many of us hold true to its intent? Money talks, talk is cheap, and power players play harder when funded.
Special interests coupled...
Leaving home isn't always an easy decision, but throwing a kink into the standard is no less troublesome. For this reason, I'm finding myself more and more compelled to venture beyond the confines of my religious upbringing. To title an understanding, unique from the others who have done the...
Getting in where we are more apt to thrive as individuals is better than remaining in environments where the majorities surrounding us make sure we know the nature of our unwelcome. To secure a haven beyond the confines of our growing, navigation is necessitated, action is required, and resolve...
The reference was about angels termed "elohim" in the bible and also referred to as God's children, which includes everyone. Newton, Plato, etc. were teachers whose works were found worthy to keep a record of. They've since passed from this earth, meaning they have lived and died, already...
I doubt it, but I'm not sure where the person you are inquiring stands on the issue. MJ laws have changed quite a lot in recent years, and so the penalties have also changed. We often enough get angry at history and hold our grudges against old penal systems, and judicial systems that we fail...
I would suggest that much of this comes from Psalms and the premise that we are all God's children. The way we develop in various territories shouldn't negate the value in what has been learned by our many cultures. I make habit of utilizing cell phones, among many other devices that were...
I do also, but I do so mostly in that I effort myself to search matters out and hold true to what I learn to be true as a result. Between truth and error are a plethora of objective truths experienced through my subjective lens, so the spirit of truth has become an innate guiding system that I...
The scriptures are beneficial for instruction, but to limit myself to study just the scriptures would be self-defeating, in my opinion. I call them text books, and the teachers who present the material are worth noting as acceptable messengers. We have many teachers, those who have been able...
Christ being head of the body and church is a direct reference to this concept. A truthful spirit and one who adheres to what's true, is able to navigate life more successfully than those who have been deceived by error and lies. This is the reference and intent as I understand it.
It helps me avoid trouble mostly, and it has been evidenced to be effective in how we advance, both in industry/technological, and in health and wellness. It may or may not be as effective in our political arena's. I think it would, but we have a lot of corruption in the ranks, so it's...
The text books teach that the holy spirit is a guiding spirit of truth, that we are children of God (the all), and that the trinity would represent this dynamic in life to be "God head", suggesting that to live and adhere to truth and with an honest and truthful spirit, is what it means to be...