Bit like when the son of David set himself up at the gates of the city and tried to usurp his father, only in this case it seems to be the greek who use the son as a usurper.
The clue lies in the use of the alphabet, 26 letters and numerous combinations.
In the beginning there is nothing, but obviously nothing is everything, like an alphabet without words,
Everybody is a part of everything, just as a word is part of the alphabet,
So mushy is a part off nothing...
I believe the confusion is brought about by the situation of true representation, ie when the agent has the identity of the one he represents and is chosen for his ability to reflect the person or being that he speaks for, a term shaliach was adopted to define such a representative.
I can however point out that what you read and what is said are not always what you think, for a great many they read the account in Genesis as God clothing Adam in animal skin, you know, an animal is killed and a garment fashioned, curing, cutting, etc etc,
Mostly there was no need for...
The soul (the body) has no free will it is governed by genetics, the spirit however has free will it decides where and when how and why happy sad etc. the spirit works through the brain, the control center
Light waves, sound waves, I wonder how that works.
The light of God, no need of the sun, i wonder how that works.
Is seeing believing, I wonder how that works.
Now the spirit that was clothed with animal flesh in the case of Adam was a law breaker, cut off from the word of God, the spirit that was clothed with animal flesh in the womb of Mary was full in the word of God, was not a law breaker.
One would assume that the flesh is contaminated by the...
Man was a spirit creature that was clothed in animal flesh.
Have we not wondered what was meant by being clothed in animal skin, have we not considered the implications of the killing of an animal, the skinning the curing, the cutting, consider the implements needed to perpetuate being clothed...
Of course science is not happy with nothing, so they now want to create a black hole, and as we all know a black hole is not black but white, of brilliant light that we can't see, like black paper, the light goes in and don't come out,
I wonder now then if that is something else that has been...
:) thats for them to know I suppose, however for millennia they have said everything was created from nothing and is governed by law, science said 'is that the answer' so they started to search, and they found that everything was made from nothing and was governed by laws.
Nothing remains a...
Maybe, but lacking means to have something missing, if they have something missing then they are looking for it, however they say they have found it and are no longer looking, so by my calculation it is the searcher who is lacking.
It can be hard to agree with ''interpretation'' unfortunately interpretation can be swayed by bias, the bible is clear, just as science is clear, muddy,
The bible suggests that at the beginning there was God, infinite and everlasting, science says that at the beginning there was nothing, empty...
It's not much of a prospect when you sit down and decide you are just a program within a program, I wonder how many of these games have been sold in the real world.