Personal hypothesis : In a culture where Intimacy is restricted and homophobia prevalent.
a young man with these unacceptable predilections may consider that the Priesthood is
a cure or shelter and rush towards it, to later find the vows do not remove the inclinations,
but rather provide...
Quality of life issues are the consideration for euthanasia,
there is little quality when you find yourself just a mind in a totally unresponsive body.
and when the prognosis is total and permanent disability needing care for what remains of life.
thank HaShem for the stubbornness to prove the...
I am now very happy that it was not available after my release from hospital after Traumatic Brain Injury.
Finding myself essentially incapable of function, terribly depressed by my condition, i would have demanded
the option, however with very hard work i dragged myself to complete recovery, 2...
Only one set of rules conflicts with my life (occupation) .. Sabbath .. and being on call 24/7.
You see i am the Biomedical Engineer for the ICU and NICU, so should there be a life
support problem I am called in 24/7 ...
Saving lives seems a more than acceptable consequence of my choice to on...
I try daily to save what small portion i can, green tech inventions, community services,
first aid services etc.
Sadly the virus we call humanity seems to be the most destructive element.
To a point you retain you, The place after death, whatever you name it, is a place of life review,
to measure the life lessons learned, the circumstances overcome, the achievements and losses,
and then to plan the conditions required for the next life to improve you towards perfection...
Oh yes for quite some time after baby lambs ran across my mount of mashed potatoes
and fell dead a chops among the valley of peas, became almost a frutarian,
not killing plants but harvesting its produce .. peas, beans, sprouts, eggplant, etc
A long long time ago when i was a teen , i used to ride my motor cycle across the harbor
bridge to Shull on Shabbat ... parked out the front.. one day the Rabbi asked why i parked
just out the gates. rather than less conspicuously down the road in the park, as others did.
my response "Rav.Korba...
As i have no descendants to visit grave or memorial, have no desire to be embalmed,
quite the opposite in fact, and consider when i next pass on the body is like a discarded
overcoat, to be disposed of.... so cremation, in simple coffin liner, no fuss...
to this end i have already pre-paid and...
I would have thought the statues prayed to included all the saints standing around the Cathedrals
throughout Europe and the world, as well as the crucifix in the nave of Xian churches,
or around the neck of so many individuals.
My opinion : I see them as followers of Noah, who is/was the founding of what became Judaism
so they certainly have a connection, and like modern Jews whose belief and practice go from
Ultra Orthodox, Hasidim, to less and less to simple disbelief or atheist ...
So some who follow the basic Laws...
The topic was about it causing cancer not mental impairment ....
if we want foods that cause impairment try poppy , cocoa , foxglove, cannabis, Magic mushrooms,
Peyote, Lophophora williamsii ,
My personal opinion is all the food additives, preservatives, and flavanoids added to
most foods are what is more likely to cause our once healthy cells to corrupt and become
disrupted or cancerous ..... poison in .....