One might find these of interest, if you don't know about it already.... =)
I just read an article that PROVES that pumice stones can permanently prevent hair from regrowing! We knew this thousands of years before anyone else! Our way is the most clean shaven, and most authentic!
Pfft... You Razorians think your way is the only way. Us Pumicestonians have been removing hair thousands and thousands of years before your "Barber" was ever dreamed up!
Hmmm... you know, I considered being a Deist at one time. I respect it's rationality. =) Pure Deism seems lacking to me in the spiritual sense, though...
I suppose one could just incorporate spiritual ideas/practices from other religions as one saw fit, but I would think that would begin to...
Ok! Now that I have time on my hands to dedicate towards your request, I'm gonna let you know what I dig up. =)
To start off, the Gathas just aren't very gender specific. Both genders are addressed equally. Example:
It's not too surprising, given the fact that Ahura (masculine) Mazda...
I'd love to read this more when I get home from work, but until then, I just wanted to mention that you might want to put up the recent events surrounding the communist party in China vs. Falun Gong/Falun Dafa if it isn't already there. That needs to be known more. =)
Oh! This whole time I thought it was "Ushta", but your question prompted me to look into it deeper. What I've learned is that there are actually two greetings:
Ushta te = Greetings to you (singular).
Ushta ve = Greetings to all (plural).
From what I've read across in multiple sites, the word...
Oh, I'm not doubting the validity of the poll. I think it's pretty apparent that the U.S. has a pretty vast religious majority. The U.S. is a regional country, though, so I find much more value (and general accuracy) in localized polls. =)
I remember how, in my old A.C.E. curriculum, they touched on how the Christian version of the Golden Rule was superior to other religions...
I'd be curious to know where these polls took place. A poll taken in a city in the bible belt would get different results than a poll in, say, Seattle, I...