Again, I'm not convinced. If his rhetoric was in any way Pharasaic I might be convinced. However, asking a question and then answering it with a response is thoroughly Hellenic in style. Its how all the Greek and Roman philosophers argued.
Claiming the Torah came from lesser powers (as in Colossians) is not Pharasaic, and neither is claiming that the death of a false prophet (in Galatians) somehow ties in with Jesus's sacrifice.
The only thing like that verifiable that I'm aware of is the much later temple to Yahweh at Elephantine, which was during the exile, and was made up of the community of Jews that Jeremiah condemned for seeking refuge from Egypt. What's interesting is Yahweh seems to have had a consort at...
Atheists don't bother me, and I really prefer them above some religious ideologies, just because they're less extreme. I'm not sure why you associate secularism with atheism though. I'm a secularist. I believe in total separation of the church from state.
There may have been a historical Moses figure. Manetho and other 'pagan' writers speak of him, but they all seem to pretty well agree he was an Egyptian Priest and law giver. They also say the Egyptians of their time remembered him among themselves.
I find Islam appealing only in a totally exotic kind of way. Its a culture other than my own. It has its own architecture, its own language, its own fashion, etc. I don't agree with most of its dogmas, but like other religions, I do find the beliefs fascinating in a hobby kind of way- like one...
All I'm saying is it doesn't help establish Paul as a trustworthy source, especially in light of some of the other questionable things he said, such as- 'I became a Jew to the Jews, in order to win the Jews'. I don't see how people just accept the words of somebody like that.
My point in this...
Deuteronomy 32 for example. Some renderings of this passage suggests that the Lord's own portion was Israel among the nations, when the nations were appointed to the sons of God.
Because Muhammad opposed them as the ruling power. He went against the pagan leaders of Mecca, even though they held the reigns of power, as agreed by both the Byzantine and Persian establishment. The pagan leaders of Mecca as I understand it- invited Muhammad to debate with them about his new...
I think it is sad that this happens to Christians in these countries. I've read some terrible things myself, but I don't think that makes them the most persecuted minority. I think gay people will soon be replaced by atheists in that regard, as most nations are now accepting of homosexuality...
I can think of many reasons I'd want to travel into the past, but I know wanting to go back to parts of my earlier years isn't for any good reason. Its because I still hold on to things in those earlier years.
To all those who follow Judaism in this thread>>> doesn't it seem from the Bible and archeological evidence that the earlier Hebrews only thought Hashem was their god? They believed every nation had their gods or guardians, but Israel had Hashem?
I've experienced Athena in a strong feeling, and also in a fragrance. The sudden smell of incense is considered indicative of a divinity in many traditions. I've also received what I interpreted to be an omen after the historical Hellenic manner.
One argument I have heard on this omnipotent thing is that the word should actually be understood to mean all possible power, seeing as power is something measured. It does not necessarily mean boundless power. If one has all the power that is able to be had, its omnipotence.
As I understand it, the Central American cultures sacrificed humans because of a specific belief they held about the nature of existence- namely that sacrifice is what sustained the universe, and that the gods sacrificed their own bodies to sustain the cosmos. In turn, they believed humans were...