I will never understand the Republican ire for our president. He is a good, compassionate man. He's shown that over and over. He truly loves this people, and he believes in the rights of the Constitution. He cried over the victims of gun violence in schools, and I don't know how many politicians...
The point of the Heart Sutra is to remove all obstruction. To get one to the point that such conjectures don't matter. That is why the Heart Sutra says there is no truth of suffering, of the cause of suffering, etc. There is no attainment whatsoever. The Bodhisattva relying on Prajnaparamita has...
I love the community and the work I believe it represents. I love declaring that we are 'people of the open covenant' and of the 'church universal', because of what those things mean. The ideal.
I'm new to Unitarian Universalism, only having discovered it last year. I think what will always keep me UU is the work of the church, and how important I think it is. I believe in it. I believe in our vision for a better humanity with equality, liberty, and justice for all. I think people can...
We may or may not have a self, but its probably best to live as though we do. To live otherwise would be to give it the power we claim it does not have.
Its whatever the factors that hit the brain generate at the time I would think, since the premise of Buddhism is that existence is moment to moment. The sense of being is moment produced, built on succeeding moments, and not the same as say the self ten years ago. I think this makes a good deal...
That's rather a different question, but I still have to say peaceful, and against the abuses of these modern 'Islamic states'. There are billions of Muslims in the world, including in Europe, the US, and Asia. I cannot see the majority being violent. I believe most Muslims are probably like your...
There are some really nice forms of mystical Islam such as Sufism and Alawism in Turkey. These expressions of Islam have historically helped along the equality of women, and today in Turkey are the force mostly standing for gay rights. The notion of Allah within, so do not disdain any person.
Rather like Christianity, Islam is hard to pin down, and means different things for different people. The early Islamic community seems to have been favorable to a more 'personal' Islam. They call reasoning 'ithijad' I believe. I certainly can't see any of these modern states representing Islam...
Am I the only person who feels like in modern society its become common place for people to say they're being attacked if their position is strongly criticized or challenged?
This probably has several factors to it. The media certainly doesn't help. Do others see this too, and what do you...
I guess it'd be best to be blunt. Islam is really smeared and demonized in western media of late. Politicians have made Islam into a scapegoat, and like always happens sadly- many are falling for it.
Well technically atheism is only lack of god belief, and doesn't pertain to anything else an atheist may think or believe. Ergo there are atheist pagans and atheist Buddhists who believe more seriously in ideas like rebirth.