Then i guess in those like yourself then i am disgusting. i will never be ashamed to share the love of Christ and let people know that God will be there for them when they go through things like that.
That still does not mean i don't value myself. It means i have learned to be humble and admit my faults and admit that i need grace. Big differences there
Maybe God wants to use what happen to them to inspire their mom and dad to do helps others who go through the same thing. I am never going to blame God for dieases and death. Life happens. i chose instead to embrace life no matter what happens and give God my all cause i know he will always...
I don't have an answer to give you. All i can is things do happen for a reason and perhaps God took that baby cause maybe he wanted to keep the baby from hurting. Life happens. Death happens. Death will happen to each of us one day. All we can do is let God have our hurts. I know people who lose...
Who says i don't value myself? I know i do. I just know also that i need the grace of God. If that does not look like i vaule myself then i guess in your eyes i don't. But at the end of the day what you say or think don't matter cause we just met. What does matter is what God thinks of me. And...
We live in a fallen world. We can ether be pissed off or we can embrace this one life. God tells us we are not promised an easy life. Jesus did not have an easy life at all. But if he can over come so can we
Faith is often something that a lot of people have struggles with. The world will say no you can't do this and God can't do that but in God's world we can do all things through Christ. We can learn to speak to those moutains and tell them to move. We can learn to pray over the sick and see them...
I can tell we won't get along. My idenity is in Christ. And no i am not a good person. Being good is a fable. i have broken promises to God. i have hurt people i love. i am a sinner saved by the grace of God.
I let them know it is not the end of the world. i am a strong believer in handicap rights. my mom raised me around handicap people. she took care of handicap people for 30 years. plus being in the MR classes in school. just cause a person has a sickness does not mean it is the end of the world...
I will always be the first to admit there are hateful Christians out there. I have met more then a few. I have been judge as well by some cause i dress in black even in the summer time and i love to listen to rock music both Christian and secular and i love slasher flicks and movies like...
Cause this is who i am. You asked me if i have any kids. No i don't but i also been through stuff like your friend been through. I have always been the type of person that uses my own experience as a way to show what i been through. Jo is a close friend of mine and you can ask her we have known...
It is how you seem to approach these subjects that got me saying this. You seem to be a bitter person. That is how you come across on your replies to me. Just like i come across as pissed off to you. I seem pissed off to you and you seem bitter to me. We are both doing the same thing about the...
Then if she does not find comfort in God then perhaps she should not believe in him then? no i don't have kids. but i sure as hell been through more then my share of heartache. At the age of 33 i have been through hell and made it through. even before my birth when my mom was pregnant with me...
Once again I am not pissed off. But it is OK if you think I am. In that sense you seem like a bitter person inside like a lot of other people I have met on line who don't like God and want to blame the church for stuff.
God carries us through those moments. I am sure he carried your friend through it. I know he has carried me through my harsh health moments. God never tells us our life will not be easy but he will not forsake us
An attitudes toward the church which is really the body of Christ. I met a lot of people who have attitudes toward the church and it is a pet peeve of mine cause the body of Christ are truly not bad people just like non Christians are not bad people
Irritated perhaps. Not cause of you not liking my Faith but cause I noticed a sort of attuited coming from what you are writing. Perhaps we both are reading too much into what the other person is saying?