Ok, so today I signed for a new house and I am going to get myself a doorbell connected to the network. Or at least something I can put MP3's on.
So now I need songs related to entering a house, ringing a doorbell, waiting for entrance etc.. :p
I already have this one, but one isn't enough...
Hk-47: Explanation: two per cent probability that the miniature organic is simply looking for trouble and needs to be blasted. That may be wishful thinking on my part, master.
Gioteck Real Triggers
I haven't fully tried them out yet, so I will edit this post, but so far the feel of the buttons is perfect. After clicking on these babies I no longer slip of the top buttons.
They click on the topbutons real easy and are pretty tied to them after that. It feels...
today I saw a car with a transformersticker on the side from which I thought it was cool..
..But then I thought it would ruin my car if I put stickers on it :|
Then again, the movie kinda killed all coolness in the transformers so...
Future not going as planned?
When did you turn into thát person???
-This saturday we wanted to go out, but didn't know what and decided to stay in and watch a movie... I was happy with that choice...
-As cardesigns go, I love the Audi designs, but on the road just now I noticed that I...