Depends on the culture and depends on the hard polytheist. Romano-Hellenic based polytheisms regard their deities as "immortals" which implies existence, at least as long as time exists, while Germanic based polytheisms have myths and lore about gods dying, including the death of Baldr and...
Skadi is a giantess strongly associated with the mountains, winter and skiing. She is obviously at peace with the Aesir, even though her father was the late Thjazi, a jotun who comes in the form of an eagle to kidnap Idun, the goddess of life. Thjazi was killed in her rescue lead by Loki.
I disagree. I'm progressive, so I'm quite liberal (most of my friends think that I'm radical, but I'd like to think that's just because of how conservative the town is), and I don't prejudge against Christians, Northern European Americans, Heterosexuals, men or any other ethnic, religious...
When talking about transcultural syncretism, I absolutely believe that it's possible a group divinities had interacted with people regardless of linguistic, cultural or ethnic origin and those different peoples had given the deity titles and symbols which were relevant to the language and...
I'm sorry, I misread the word "seal". I'm also unaware of its definition in this context. I grew up in a protestant family but I've never heard it used in such a way. Could you kindly elaborate?
You're misunderstanding me. I'm not saying that most leaders, such as kings and other royal figures, didn't claim divine blood. They most certainly did. With that said, that doesn't mean that the belief in gods as ascended ancestors who were once human kings is historical. Personally, I think...
You'll find different answers from different people. I personally wish the world of linguistics and etymology to be simpler, so I just stick to the dictionary instead of inventing my own definitions and such, then give you my interpretation of them and my observations.
Indigenous is a synonym...
Hahahahahaha!!!! I've always wondered this! I know someone who dated with his foster daughter (both adult at this time) while his wife and her foster mother was without his wife knowing while she was terminally ill in the hospital. After she died they got married. If they're both bound to him...
On the Sunday before the Equinox, my kindred (Heathen) met up and heald a blot and had dinner.
There was a lot of pressure on me actually, because only one of us has ever lead ritual (name's Jo) and I asked to lead this one. Not only am I the newest member (joined about six months ago)...
I grew up Christian. I always had questions, and I guess they started with Noah's arc.
When I was young, I liked to play a game called Zoo Tycoon, in which one could build a zoo with multiple animals, food stands etc. It was programmed into the game that the sibling animals couldn't mate with...
I might want to also add that the Romans had travelled far across Europe and the Mediterranean, and occupied all places except for Germania, Scandinavia and Russia, although travelled. Celts have invaded everywhere from Ireland to Greece. Germanic peoples have migrated and conquered everywhere...
Many people cited as Gaulish weren't Celtic.
"All of Gaul is divided into three parts. One of which the Belgians live, another the Aquatians, the third which by their language the Celts, by ours they are called the Gauls."- Caesar
The Belgians were of Germanic Ancestry, and later the...
Yes but these surnames come from the family myths that the deity had come down in human form and founded the family with a human. Caesar claimed lineage from Venus, but that doesn't mean that Venus started human and ascended into godhood.
"Do you believe there is an actual God named Thor that exists and that it wasn't just made up by people who didn't have modern science?"
"Thor", like most names of deities, is actually a title or description. Names were invented by humans, not gods. We use names and nouns to better organize...
From my point of view, I don't know. Personally, I'm not sure I really can know, so it's pointless to believe in what's going to happen to me after I die, if anything happens other than the obvious decay.
I'm a heathen, some people use the terms Asatruar, Germanic Polytheist or Northern...
IMO no. They contradict each other as much as monotheistic polytheism. There are those who are "pagan" and "atheist" but they believe that the gods don't actually exist as spiritual entities, but rather as metaphors or constructions of the psyche. Personally, I'm not sure what the point of...
A designated clergyman can be useful to keep a medium to large sized group well put together and organized as opposed to chaotic and not really going anywhere. A small group of about 3-10 can function well without one. My kindred has five initiated/oathed members and we're doing just fine...